Touch Freeze your mouse touchpad when typing

cursor feet
After I reformatted my laptop last week, I became very uncomfortable with my keyboard and mouse, every time that I type or blog, my mouse cursor always jump to the bottom of my texts or sometimes it jump above my texts and overwrites everything that I typed, it sucks to see that and the next thing that I can do is to press Ctrl X and make sure it will never happen again, I already tried the mouse setting in the Control Panel and I already clicked "hide mouse when typing" but that thing never worked. There's also that Fn control F7, a control function that will disable your mouse touchpad, but you need to press it again if you want to enable it. I don't want to do that pressing thing over and over again and I just want my fingers busy typing and use back space and the mouse touchpad if ever I want to control something. Then I remember that I installed an app in my Windows 7 that helped me before and it locks the mouse touchpad whenever it detects that I'm typing.

Touch Freeze is the app utility that I discovered on the net after Googling some good app that can help me with my problem. All you need to do is visit
and then download the app and Run it! It will automatically reside in your Windows 7's memory and it will disable the touchpad from moving or jumping whenever you type.
