I’m happy that my video blog appeared in the tv show “Ang Pinaka”, it’s a tv show that list the best of or the top 10 things. From their last episode, they list the “ang pinaka easiest way to internet stardom”, There are lots of gimmicks and things you can do in order to be noticed online and be a start, from doing talented things and doing shamless things.
At number 9, they featured Lifecasting as one of the easiest way to internet stardom, was listed after number 10’s DIY video making.
My blog was included as one of the example for doing travel video blogs. And there they showed a short clip of my video blog when I was in Hong Kong.
Here’s my video blog when I shoot it at Kowloon Park
I uploaded and edited while on the fly and thanks to the fast wifi internet at Kowlong Park in Hong Kong.
The tv show is hosted by Rovilson Fernandez
The show “Ang Pinaka” became popular because of its nature of listing top 10 of trendy things or events
Thanks to the tv crew of “Ang Pinaka” for contacting me to use my video blog for their episode!
Watch Ang Pinaka every Sunday at 6:30pm in GMA NEWS TV
visit their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/AngPinakaNewsTV?ref=ts&fref=ts