The Mansion is the most visited site here in Baguio, this serves as the 2nd home of our president and considered to be the Malacanang of Baguio.
I’ve been here before during my youngling years and its great to back and see the mansion once again.

In the age of social media, jump shot is now the new trend in photo ops

The mansion is well guarded and we can only stay infront of the main gate. During my youngling years, we got a chance to tour around the mansion. We were allowed to tour outside and the back of the mansion.

The iconic lagoon in Wright Park

Levitation again

Marco spotted the most fashionable people here in Wright Park
he invited them for an impromptu photo shoot

fashionista 1

fashionista 2

Below the Wright Park is the main horseback riding area of Baguio
You can rent one horse for an hour and ride it around the horseback riding course.

All horses are healthy and beautified to attract tourist and visitors of Baguio



Whoa that kid is a pro rider


that’s me! ahhahahaha fat guy on a horse

Here we spotted Monster energy drink
they are giving away free drinks to all adults

My first time to drink it
and its good!!

we’re trying it for the first time and hope they pick us as one of their endorsers ahhahah