Kidz Yoga-Australia is here in Manila to conduct on a 4 day yoga training for teachers, this will benefit the teacher on how to do yoga and also get a certificate as a yoga teacher for kids.
Participants will be given a training manual, pose cards, lunch and snacks, training shirt, use of the Kidz Yoga logo for a year, name on official website. Any teacher can join and its okay if you haven't tried yoga, because you'll also learn the basics here in the training program.
Not exclusive for teachers, but the training program is open also to parents, yoga teachers, therapist, doctors, counselors are anyone who wants to learn yoga for kids and be one of the future yoga teachers for kids here in the Philippines.
I didn't know that yoga can be taught to kids, I have witness it for the first time during the blog conference and I saw that lots of kids are already into yoga. I read the benefits of yoga for kids and I agree that this will help them have more focus and concetrate, which kids really needs because sometimes they are always hyper. hahaha like my 3 year old son, Ashton.
I read an article about the benefits of yoga for kids, and let me list here..which I totally agree.
1. Maintains flexibility and strenthens growing bodies
2. Enhances concentration
3. Increases self-esteem
4. Teaches present moment awareness
5. Cultivate a peaceful, relaxed state of body and mind
6. Gives tools for stress management
7. Sparks creativity in ripe imaginations
8. Encourages kind peer and social interactions
9. Enhances body awareness
10. Teaches discipline and responsibility.
I super like the number 10.. And when I saw how Kidz Yoga-Australia do yoga for the kids, I saw that their versions are much more fun for the kids and also fun for the parents to see their kids do yoga for the 1st time. I told the yoga kids teacher that day that I found it more easy and more enjoyable. I hope they have versions for adults ahhahaa.
As of now..we’re looking for a possibility that we might enroll our son for yoga class soon.
For classes in Manila and more information on the training in October, please contact:
CALL/TEXT: 0915 – 8965327
LOG ON TO: for more details about the training
Price for the training:
Early brid fee until Aug 31 - Php 30,000
until Oct 3 - Php 32,000
here are some photos from the blog conference
Kidz Yoga in cooperation with Kids One Yoga in Palm Country Club in Alabang.
my 3 yr old son, Ashton just warming up with some art attack activity before doing some yoga for kids
Kidz Yoga showed a recorded yoga demo on TV and here my wife teaches my son on how to start some yoga moves. They just imitate the demo on TV, and this is a good warm up and intro for my some what is yoga.
Here’s the demo on screen, they already appeared on ANC.
The training program for teachers…. Kidz Yoga-Australia and Kids One Yoga teams up
Headed by Grace Hetherington, the Founder of Kidz Yoga-Australia
Grace is a Certified Yogakids Teacher and Trainer, Licensed Pediatric Nurse and a Registered Power Yoga Teacher. She founded KidzYoga-Australia, an education-based yoga program specifically designed for students and how they learn. She has led many international trainings and workshops, demonstrating and educating professionals about the benefits of yoga in achieving academic excellence, life-style balance, and overall stress management.
KidzYoga Program
A unique education-based yoga program that combines movement (yoga poses, creative activities, and games), mindful breathing and guided visualization to create the most favorable environment for learning and “total” well-being. This program aims to inspire learner to be ALERT yet RELAXED, BRILLIANT INQUIRERS, CARING, COMMITTED, DISCIPLINED and EMPOWERED students who develop a lifelong interest for learning regardless of learning ability and cultural background.
This program highlights on six transdisciplinary themes on global significance that provides the framework and methodology of the program and utilizes yoga as a pathway:
'who we are'
'where we are in place and time'
'how we express ourselves'
'how the world works'
'how we organize ourselves'
'sharing the planet'
Benefits of Yoga for Kids
Able to focus and concentrate more
Improves flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination (greatly complements any sports endeavor)
Experience increased calm and decreased stress and anxiety through relaxation techniques
Experience improved impulse control
Have increased self- awareness and awareness of others
Develop understanding and empathy for others
Have natural conflict resolution skills
Find skillful ways to respond to difficult emotions
Endorses a healthy lifestyle and help students make healthier choices
and now.....its the start of yoga for kids……
This is just a teaser and demo on how Kidz Yoga-Australia and Kids One Yoga teaches kids on doing yoga, my son Asthon is a bit puzzled and excited for this activity, he just observed and imitates the movements and also listens to the yoga teacher.
This is his first time and he is the youngest kid in the room.
Btw… the yoga session was done in a function room, the outdoor venue of Palm Country Club got soaked wet after a heavy down pour.
Although a bit delayed…Ashton can follow some yoga moves
After one movement…he just follow the recent yoga position.
Ashton can’t stand up and balance with one feet, so he always falls down when he do this yoga position.
Here’s the fun yoga move for kids
The yoga teacher tells a story and then the kids will follow the yoga position and will start imagining some things based on the story telling.
relax….relax..and hug your stuffed toy pet
Ashton easily listens and follow the yoga teacher’s command…. he started to relax
and then fell asleep hahahahahah
when I saw that he flips on the side…it means he is sleepy.
Yoga session nearly ends…
stretching….and touch the sky
touch and wiggle your feet…
holding hands….while touching the feet hahaha..
My son is good at this position…
flips down like a flower and smile to the camera!
Yogini, parents, kids and bloggers
Congratulations to my son for his first yoga session
Thanks Ms. Marcie!!!
Here are some photos of Kidz Yoga-Australia in action