I’m not a kitchen person or a guy who loves to cook, but I try my best to learn the good and right way of cooking and also selecting the right ingredients for our food and also food items at the grocery. Back in the old days, I always accompany my dad in buying fresh food ingredients in a local wet and dry market in our town, its just across a highway and we need to play “patintero” with a bus while crossing. I just watch and learn on how my dad buy freshly distributed dead chickens, hahaha that’s what I call it. I just don’t care that time where the chickens came from, but all we know that the chickens are clean and we haven’t got sick after our first buy, so after that we just buy our ingredients and also chicken to our “suki” seller (only seller we patronize). But that was in the old years and I think it’s the year 1990’s were the last time I went to a local wet and dry market with my dad and mom. But times have changed and we encounter lots of bocha chickens or double dead chickens – struck with diseases or died naturally. And we know that eating those double dead are bad to our health.
So the problem occurs that its hard to trust now the sellers if ever you are in a different location, I mean, we can still buy from the sellers in a market, but if we tried and tested them and they have the certification that all meat for sale are approved by the local meat inspector, also I still suggest that we buy in a local market if ever you are in the province, bec. we know chickens are delivered freshly from the slaughter house. But in this generation, grocery and supermarkets like the SM Supemarket, SM Save more, SM Hypermarket are one of the best seller of certified safe and healthy products, like the chickens, and we start to grow up patronizing top brands like Magnolia Chicken.
When I learned how to shop for frozen products or freshly chilled chicken meat like the Magnolia Chicken which is now located at the Magnolia Chicken Station in SM Supermarket (exclusively distributed in SM Supermalls groceries and Hypermarkets) It’s the best we have now and guaranteed safe and fresh, why ask more? its Magnolia and there’s no question asked.
There are times that I encountered a shortage of chicken in our local branch of SM here in Cavite, its funny that people hoard too many chickens during holiday seasons, and that’s a proof that people want to be safe and giving a healthy food with no worries to our kids. That's why they patronize Magnolia --with no questions asked.
Few weeks ago, I attended this event..it’s a event about health, cooking and also Magnolia Chicken, its an awareness for Magnolia Chicken that their products are available here in SM.
here are some info:
The Magnolia Chicken Station, an innovative retail concept introduced in 2004, is Magnolia
Chicken’s branded retail showcase located in the fresh sections of supermarkets. Prior to the
stations, fresh chilled chicken was usually available in wet markets while supermarkets carried
mostly frozen chicken. The “big idea” was to bring the consumers’ buying habits honed in wet
markets into the cleaner, more sanitized supermarket environment. The stations allowed the
consumers the freedom to buy fresh chicken either in bulk, by the piece or by 100 grams, and to
choose specific cuts for themselves. Simply put, the Magnolia Chicken Stations gave consumers a
choice to buy chicken in the format and quantity they wanted. All Magnolia Chicken Station
products are freshly-made in the outlets, ensuring customers that the products they purchase are
guaranteed fresh, safe, and of premium quality- certified Alagang Magnolia.
Call me the guy who is a maarte, there are times that I don’t like going to wet and dry markets, I know that there are clean markets in other towns, but the worse thing is to walk in a muddy market, and I just experienced that a lot during my youngling years, but I’m sure that lots of markets today are renovating to a modern markets, with clean facilities and a better garbage disposal, but to others, its unfortunate that they still operate with dirty venues.
So why worry again when you buy there…we still have those clean groceries like in SM Supermalls, they offer fresh Magnolia Chickens and it’s the modern wet and dry market we have for this new generation.
here’s more added info about Magnolia Chickens
Apart from the available whole chicken and choice cuts, more customized cuts and formats such
as fillets, deboned whole chicken, ground chicken, and other dish-specific chicken cuts (adobo,
tinola, recado, menudo, etc.) are now conveniently available in the Magnolia Chicken Stations. In
addition, its Cook-easy line-up, special, marinated cuts in a variety of flavors such as Chicken
Teriyaki, Inasal, Korean BBQ, Breaded Chicken Fingers, and Savory Fried Chicken, to name a
few, are also popular choices among consumers. Throughout the years, the Magnolia Chicken
Stations became the brand’s platform in introducing several products and customized services,
constantly innovating and refreshing their product offerings to continuously delight and excite
their customers.
When I buy at their Magnolia Chicken Station, I always follow the advice of my wife that I should ask for help from a staff for the cuts of our Magnolia Chicken, also its fun to buy that are already ready to cook and marinated. No need to wait for a long time to finish all those cooking chores, you can cook it right away or store it immediately in your freezer as soon as you arrive home and cook it the next day.
In response to the growing health and wellness movement in the country, Magnolia Chicken
Station has recently launched Magnolia Chicken Station Lite (MCS LITE) - a healthier line of
fresh chicken products. Magnolia Chicken Station Lite products come from leaner and “healthier”
chicken parts or products. The current MCS Lite product line-up includes the high protein, less fat
Magnolia Free Range Chicken, as well as lean, skinless breast cuts like breast fillet, chicken strips,
chicken chunks, and lean ground chicken! The brand is also set to introduce a healthy cook-easy
line, lean cuts lightly marinated in natural herb and fruit-based flavors that can be used for
salads, pastas, and sandwiches.
here’s my photo story at the DeLiteful day event in SM MOA
I arrived just in time the food tasting started to give away some free taste using Magnolia Chickens and their recipe.
A hearty salad and Magnolia Chickens
Here’s a good concept of bread and chicken recipe – good for pica pica
the crowd at the event center of SM MOA
Booth activities for visitors, they can have photo ops with the booth babes at the event
Game center near the entrance, visitors can win prizes by playing one of the games, but they need to register first.
Roulette game – more prizes for the visitors.
Spotted some visitors having a photo op with the booth babes
registration are for visitors
the main event
The event is open for all and there’s no entrance fee. You’ll learn more tips and advice about food, nutrition and also about cooking.
Program is about to start…..
Angel Aquino is one of the main host of the event and she’s so gorgeous here with a blonde hair.
Super hot..and I super worship her since the “F” tv show days
VIP guest - some are from Magnolia and San Miguel Corp.
The event heated up the floor after the sing and dance power performance of Krisha
so talented and my seatmate blogger already got a crush on her hahahaha. (I’m following her now in FB and Instagram haahaha)
A Nutritionist gave us some tips about eating and about health
I just learned here that the chicken breast is the most healthiest part of the chicken.
bec of this new found knowledge about chicken part, I always order the breast part when I eat in fast food.
Me at the audience area with our blogger friends.
a big reminder for us – always exercise!!!
Q and A session
Here’s a good chart – I’ll take on the brisk walking
lots of guests are so focus about the lecture of our nutritionist
they say that alcohol is good, but we should drink 2 bottles or glasses only, bec. it can relax our body
and too much is already bad… mind you to my sunog baga friends.
ohhh its chicken dance time ahahhah
lucky raffle winners!
too bad that I didn’t got a copy of the recipe
Angel Aquino waits til the food is cooked, the chef here used Magnolia Chickens in making salad, soup and also pasta with chicken….omg!! so yummy!