My first post was last year 2012 -, I’m posting an update here about what happened to my grandparent’s tomb that was destroyed by looters, their initial motive is to steal jewelries, gold teeth, metals in casket and knee bones.
The knee bones are being sold as amulet to old people,but I’m sure many of the looters target metal objects, because they can sell it to junk shops, they use the dirty money in buying illegal drugs, I learned about this after our tomb care taker Mang Kaldo texted us and reported to us the incident, and
I told them to repair it immediately, and after 6 days we visited the site and there I learned that drug addicts from outside the town are the main suspects. No suspects were caught after the incident, because all illegal activities occur at night.
Tayabas town people told me that those grave thieves are not from the town, and this happen for the 1st time here in Tayabas, Quezon. And they mentioned to me also that the local government didn’t do anything about it or even the local police. I was planning to visit the police to report it, but the town folks told me that several people reported the incident and there’s no action seen from them. shucks!
Anyway, the most important part here is that the tomb is now newly repaired. I hope it will never happen again for this year 2013.
I’m sharing here some photos from last year.
here’s some photos taken by our tomb care taker, we see here the damage of the tomb, cracked and opened, just to reach the casket head area. Their purpose is to steal the gold teeth, and I think they successfully stole my grandfather’s gold teeth.
They cemented and repaired the top of the tomb
I also learned that the cemetery admin should be informed and hire their own repair person to fix our grandparent’s tomb. Mang Kaldo supervises everything, I told him to monitor the official tomb repair guy while fixing the tomb and never leave while the job is not finish.
Grand Ma and Pa will be happy to see that their tombs are repaired.
here are some scenes from last year’s all saints day
Me and my sis go to Tayabas, Quezon every year to visit our grandparent’s tomb, and we always buy flowers here at the street, For this year, I will go here alone, because my sis already migrated to the US. And my plan is to buy flowers here at the same street, maybe I should buy candles and matches here too. Because I don’t want to bring heavy candles and flammable materials in my bag whenever I travel.
It was hot and sunny that day, we usually arrive at around lunch time, it’s a 4-5 hours land travel via bus, Manila-Lucena bound and then one jeep to Tayabas, Quezon.
Its like a feast here in Quezon Province, here you see lots of Lechon stalls in every corner of the street on the way to the cemetery.
We just arrived here in Tayabas Municipal Cemetery
Lots of vendors outside the cemetery, I feel at home here, because there’s lots of food and drinks available.
Along the way to my grandparent’s tomb, we spotted lots of damaged and looted graves
These looters crack open the whole cover of the tomb and stole anything that can be sold to junk shops
If you zoom, you’ll see some bones and clothing of the dead person
Others are releasing some foul odor
They crack open the head area of the casket, just to check if the dead person wears any jewelries or gold teeth
Here’s one disgusting scene, the casket is gone
I wish all of these are repaired when I visit the cemetery tomorrow.
For us, we are still lucky.
I hope it will be sunny tomorrow, because if it rains, the cemetery grounds will be muddy and slippery.
See you tomorrow! Nov. 1, 2013
My sis Mitch and me (im not smiling here because of the anger I felt about the looters)
Time to go home…
The fun part here in Tayabas is that I always buy food in the street, here’s a pancit habhab, one of my fave food here in Quezon. But instead of banana leaves, they now use plastic to hold the pancit habhab in your hand.
whohohoh pancit habhab!
I wish I can carry this back to Manila and Cavite
I also buy pinangat here. But I haven’t found yet the tastiest version of Pinangat here in Tayabas.
spotted some ukay ukay outlet along the way hahahaha.
It will be another adventure for me tomorrow, and I will go solo this time, and my first time to visit the cemetery alone this all saint’s day.
Time to gear up after the sunset.
See you tomorrow Tayabas, Quezon.