Its the ultimate throw back dance concert this March 31, your popular dance group in the Philippines will have a one time reunion for one day only! I'm sure everyone remembers the UMD, Manoevers and SexBomb dancers... ( I hope they also include Street Boys)
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It's going to be the Ultimate Throwback event of 2014 as the Universal Universal Motion Dancers (UMD), Manoeuvres, and Sexbomb Dancers reunite for one Massive Dance Concert!
Watch these three iconic dance groups perform at the Trinoma Activity Center on Monday March 31, 2014, to raise awareness for Neuropathy or nerve damage – a condition with symptoms like pamamanhid, tusok-tusok, and pangangawit.
This event is organized by Neurobion, a Vitamin B-Complex with Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 that helps maintain healthy nerves, promote efficient nerve function, and reduce pain in the arms and hands caused by Neuropathy.
Besides the dance concert, there will also be free nerve clinics, games, and freebies to be given away throughout the day-long event.