The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is the 3rd and final movie for The Hobbit, directed by Peter Jackson, same director who took lead to direct The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. The Hobbit part 3 or The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies will open this Dec 12, 2014 in all Philippine cinemas. There’s also a special HFR 3D that are available in selected IMAX and digital cinemas. The movie is exclusively distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures Philippines
Every year, I always make sure that I have a complete attendance in watching The Hobbit movie in IMAX format, this year..I did a perfect attendance hahahah. Thanks to Warner Bros Pictures Philippines for hosting a press screening last Dec 10, 2014 in IMAX SM MOA. As expected HFR 3D did bring a smile in my face and I felt a kid again.
below are my review of the movie + my HFR 3D experience
The Movie:
As usual, the movie displays another epic battle scenes and dramatic story that I didn’t expected. I know that the movie didn’t follow the entire book, but after scanning some short summary via Wikipedia, I learned that the book version didn’t got its defining moment, but for the movie version, Peter Jackson did well in injecting their own version, making the story more dramatic and characters showed their real purpose for the movie.
We know that the she elf Tauriel is not a part of the original characters of The Hobbit, but it’s a clue that this version of The Hobbit will take you to a different ride and go away from the original story. Tolkien purist might hate this but I’m sure they will get it over when they learn something good from the movie universe.
I didn’t read the entire book (I only read Two Towers ) and I really don’t know what really happened during the battle of the five armies original version. The Wikipedia summary works well but its better to read the mid part of The Hobbit, will do that next. ( do it after you watched the movie)
Part 3 of The Hobbit is action packed with wow factors in witnessing the battle of elves and dwarves versus the hordes of goblins, we saw a few of them in LOTR: Return of the King in action, but here in part 3 they showed to us the science and art of war.
Part 1 and 2 is a bit stressful to watch, but this time, you can concentrate now in watching few major characters do their important role. Its funny that Bilbo’s role is a bit short in the original story, but here in the movie, he is still the big star. I suggest that don’t try to read the summary in Wikipedia about the original story, I suggest that you read it after you have seen the part 3 movie.
For me…it’s a good movie, for a 2 1/2 running time, its one great ride that I super enjoyed.
When I first saw the part 1 of The Hobbit, I mentioned right away after leaving the cinema that this movie is much better than the LOTR movie. The story telling and intro of characters was done perfectly and it can glue you directly to the LOTR movie. But then after watching the part 3…… I got this crave to watch LOTR right away… ONE LAST TIME!!
The entire trilogy and esp. the last movie, will make you watch LOTR all over again. The Hobbit and LOTR is one great movie masterpiece that shows how imaginative we are when it comes to fantasy, wizards, dragons and creating a world called Middle Earth.
The next question is..do we expect a Silmarillion movie ???
HFR 3D in The Hobbit part 3
Its my 3rd time to watch it in HFR 3D, it’s a much faster motion and life like visuals when you watch it in IMAX 3D, all movies that we see are in standard of 24 frames per second. For HFR 3D or High Frame Rate 3D, they play faster with more frames --- 48 frames per second. Its like watching a Blu Ray DVD in a bigger screen, or in IMAX format with 3D.
Last time I checked the prices of HFR 3D, its around PHP 450. I’m not sure if they increased the prices for this year.
Okay.. I can say that the HFR 3D for this time is much better compare to The Hobbit part 1 and 2. Its more finest and not like a PS4 cgi animatics. Its more realistic and 3D effects are good! I suggest that you have to relax and condition yourself if you plan to watch it in HFR 3D. I’m a bit curious on how will they play this in a regular cinema with 3D but with HFR 3D, because in IMAX theater, the images and motion are awesome! Maybe next week, I will visit a non IMAX cinema and see if HFR 3D is working perfectly.
If you want to have a great movie experience, I suggest try this…because it’s the only movie with HFR 3D
Here are the ff: cinemas that carry the HFR 3D of The Hobbit PART 3
Fairview Terraces
Gateway Cineplex
Glorietta 4
Greenbelt 3
IMAX SM Megamall
Robinsosn Antipolo
Robinsons Galeria
Robinsons Las Pinas
Robinsons Manla
Robinsons Malolos
SM Cebu
SM South Mall
below are some stills from the movie
photo c/o Warner Bros Pictures Philippines