The video, entitled “Grandma’s Little Angel” has gone viral online and has captured the hearts of many viewers because of how it shows the endearing and admirable way we Pinoys love our families.
There’s always a strong bond shared between a grandparent and a grandchild. Most of us have very fond memories of hanging out with them and often, we carry the teachings that they have shared with us throughout our lives.
The video depicts not only the strong influence family has on our lives but also serves as proof that with passion and dedication brings a good focus to the road of success. The video is about a young girl named Kassie and her Lola Linda who is an chocolate artisan who runs her own shop in Lipa, Batangas. Kassie served as her lola’s apprentice, helping her make chocolate angels. But when orders for Lola Linda’s chocolates started to decline, Lola Linda had to close the business. Fast forward to the present, Kassie now uses modern technology to continue her lola’s chocolate business. She receives a lot of orders and business was really booming. Kassie’s grandma was proud to see her little angel pursue her dreams and become successful at what she was doing.
“Grandma’s Little Angel” is from PLDT’s micro-entrepreneurship arm, PLDT KaAsenso. KaAsenso offers landline, DSL, and value-added services to help negosyantes improve their business so that they can, in turn, provide the best life for their inspiration – their families.
Some of KaAsenso’s latest offers include a FREE Online Store, which allows negosyantes to sell their products online and grow their business with the use of the internet. Another offer is Spark Plan 1799, designed for dynamic, young entrepreneurs, which combiles DSL with Smart mobile services that will enable them to be connected anytime and anywhere with their business and customers.
Watch “Grandma’s Little Angel” video here --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ_zv2AQSHg
For more PLDT KaAsenso info, just visit their official site at www.pldtkaasenso.com