What’s inside the YouTube Creator Manila event?
I’ve been waiting to get invited to this event for so many years, and Im happy to know that I got tapped to cover the YouTube Creator Manila 2016 event at Happy Garden Cafe in Makati. Its my 1st time to be there and after staying there for hours, I just saw a different and new community, a community of online video producers at YouTube.
It was like a bloggers gathering, but its different, all of them are YouTubers or YouTube creator members, a booming community that kicks off after the success of blogging and Instagramming

After sitting down, I noticed that us blogger media occupies that one single round table, and the rest are all YouTubers, all of them are chatty, quiet and also hyper in video blogging the entire event, there are at times that they vlog the entire conversation and also vlog the people they meet. It was a fun day and an eye opener to us blogger media who haven’t seen or been to the Youtuber community.
Us bloggers – me, Ted, Enzo, Melanie and Duane were there and we compare their community to our blogging community. It was the same, but the different is that they vlog every moment hahah!
Duane said that the community for Instagrammers are also different, but I told them these communities will be alive for so long because its members knew that they are no longer alone and there will be a support group available for them when they are down.

The YouTube Creator Day Seminar
There was a short seminar for YouTubers, a rep from YouTube Philippines (under Google Philippines) were there to teach and introduce the better ways to power up your YouTube channel. I got hooked to listen more because Im interested to know how to power up my Youtube channel.
Btw, I have my own Youtube channel, feel free to check it out --- www.youtube.com/azraelcoladilla
I’ve been vlogging for years, thats 2006-2016 and I didn’t got a time to level up my vlogging skills, the editing and the shooting. I was too focus on blogging and photography and I felt that vlogging trend is ahead of me, my plan is to catch up and work hard to power up my Youtube channel. Its a new channel for me to conquer---after getting 1 Millions of views per month here in my blog.
Im thankful that I’ve learned more from the seminar, here are some things that I’ve learned:

Youtube vlogging tips
- Youtube audio library is free and they offer a library of music and sound that can be used for free
- Youtube card is a new feature that you can add at the end of your video, to auto embed what to watch next and a way to engage more to your viewers.
- Dressing up your Youtube image header is a way to notify your viewers your personality, niche and your schedule to publish videos
- Posting videos daily is a way to invite more viewers, it means that you are very active
- Adding text description can also help to add more information – I think Youtube is trying to convert their video streaming channel into a blogging platform
- Add some tags in order to categorize your video content and also be added in Google Search
- Mark and ban trolls or spam commenters, this will help your Youtube channel to be clean and troll-free
- Collaborate with other Youtuberrs can help you get into the community and upgrade your skills
- You can also edit videos on Youtube, just upload the video and edit it online (it works if you are on mobile and have fast internet)
- The use of copyright music in your videos should have a limit of 5-10 seconds, beyond those limit can flag you – owner of the music can monetize your video or flag you out of the upload list
- Creator Academy – Youtube also opened a FREE class or course for creating videos, the class offers on how to make videos, how to earn money with it and also use technology to power up your shooting skills, editing skills and use of camera, you can check out the link here at www.creatoracademy.withgoogle.com if you want to enroll.
- Creator community – Youtube also invites you to interact and engage with the Youtube community, you can visit www.youtube-creatorcommunity.com for details
And here are some juicy info about Youtube in the Philippines
● The Philippines loves YouTube: over 55% of YouTube’s watchtime in the Philippines is mobile. This watchtime on mobile is growing by more than 95% year on year.
● The hours of content uploaded to YouTube in the Philippines grew by over 45% year on year.
● We launched the YouTube Partner Program in the Philippines in 2013. Since then, the Philippines has seen over 80 channels with over 100,000 subscribers, and 5 channels with over 1 million subscribers.
Youtube Global Statistics
● YouTube has over a billion users — almost one-third of all people on the Internet — and every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views.
● Growth in watch time on YouTube has accelerated and is up at least 50% year over year for three straight years.
● YouTube is localized in 88 countries and can be accessed in 76 different languages, which covers 95% of the world’s internet population.
After Seminar activities
After the seminar, Youtube Philippines invited the Youtube Creator community to meet everyone at the event, they hand over a paper and told them to fill the paper with names and Youtue url of the people they meet at the event. Its like a BINGO game, and the one who finished the list first will win a Youtube pillow --- omg I want that pillow
So I’ve met some Youtuber at the event, thanks to that activity, I joined their vlogging craze and I started shooting like a crazy vlogger! Hahaha – watch out for that video soon on my Youtube Channel
Here are the Youtubers that I met that day

- 3rd World Reviews - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwh-mNeZe47Xh53oM7X7Qsg

- Damsel Dee - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiYY_OuROVY7Wfs5RPWf7mQ

-Hazel Faith - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqHBcRTwnG1KopcnYzv_oLQ

-My Innoverse - https://www.youtube.com/user/lovetheX
There were more, but I failed to get their contacts, I also met a 10 year old kid who got around 1,000 subscribers, he’s in to video gaming and also Minecraft

After the meet and greet with fellow Youtubers, Hazel Faith performed an acoustic set for all of us and a talk with beauty vlogger Say Tioco https://www.youtube.com/user/saytiocoartillero

Whew!! what a blast!! I learned so many things, I felt that I was transported back to 2007 when blogging was just starting
Thanks Youtube for inviting us!!!
-- some photos from the event