The Avengers: Infinity War movie toys arrived in our local toy shelves without warning, just like the coming of Thanos, he will come here on Earth to claim the Infinity stones. I've heard of the arrival of toys on FB when fellow collectors are talking about the release of some Marvel Legends toy line, Im not aware ( btw, I dont collect the ML toys) that these toys will be here a 1 1/12 early advance before the global release of the movie this April 27th.
A week after the buzz on FB, I got a chance to visit the mall and check out the toys in Toy Kingdom, SM Bacoor branch.
OMG! The toys are so awesome and I like to warn all parents....pls ready your wallets, Im sure our kids will go crazy when they saw the action figures and also the Nerf toy lines.
For my fellow collectors, Im sure you target the ML toy lines, but for others they are on the hunt to score that Infinity Gauntlet Legends Series. I wonder what else is coming?? Im sure more toys will arrive this coming April. Because that is the month that our Marvel Super Heroes will band together to defeat a Mad Titan that want to destroy all life in the universe.
The photos I took are not complete, Some toys are sold out already by the time I arrived in Toy Kingdom.
Take note that the action figures and toys might spoil you - all of the form and figure might appear in the actual movie. so -- SPOILERS ALERT!!

The Mighty Muggs are back!!! and now in their new form and shape!
The new version are much cute and when you push the head down, the facial reaction of the figure will change. I think there are 3-4 facial reaction

The Titan Hero Series line are starting to have more kinds of 12 inches action figures. Back then they get only a simple sculpt and lots of repaint versions.
But for the new series for 2018, the sculpt are getting more better. Its a little bit cartoony but its better than get an awful head paint and sculpt.
The electronic effects are also getting better. I wonder if they will release a new set of Hulk Busters and an armored Thanos.

Falcon new sculpt and a new blonde hair Black Widow are on the Titan Hero Series. I think the old one is better, the new Black Widow head sculpt is a bit weird.

We just bought a Hulk 2 years ago, I think they've used a similar sculpt for the body but made a new head scuplt that looks like the face of Mark Ruffalo.
This is one is better!

Yay! they have Doctor Strange, Teenager Groot and Scarlet Witch

New head and body sculpt for Thor, Captain America as Nomad and Star Lord

The sales lady of Toy Kingdom told me that the Captain America Titan Hero Series are starting to go sold out...

The PowerFX version of Cap is also nice. I haven't tried the effects, but each figure comes with a back pack that contains the electronic sound.

This figure is not on the same scale for the Titan Series or the regular action figure.

And here are the action figure set that comes with their own weapon powered by an infinity stone.
Oppsss. I think this might be a big SPOILER ahahah

Cap's new shield...made in Wakanda

Yikes!!!!!! Thor;s new hammer the Stormbreaker.
Im not sure about the origin of Thor's new hammer-axe, but it might be from Beta Ray Bill or might be created from an exploding star then award it soon to the next Thor??? -- Beta Ray? or a female Thor? - just like in the comics.

Kids who love to play around as their super heroes will need these awesome props and toy weapons.

This infinity gauntlet are for kids

And there's a comic version of the gauntlet

For collectors --- this is a must have!!
I heard the SRP is around PHP 8,000!!!!!
Now going sold out and I haven't seen this in our local toy shelves.

You can wear it and be a mad titan like Thanos!

First time ever they made a toy for girls!
awesome move!!

Here's a much more upgraded Iron Man!
He will be wearing this new armor - I think made from Wakanda?????

Black Panther toys for the Avengers: Infinity War toy line are not present, but the Black Panther movie toys are still available and can be included in the toy line up.
Build you Marvel Super Heroes army!
Go to Toy Kingdom or Toys R Us or any toy stores..
and make your own story and adventure of toys go marvel!

Okay guys...ready your wallets!