Globe MyBusiness launched ProjectED, a nationwide video making contest for high school students to invite them showcase their perspective via a video entry and tell a story how technology helped them to learn and use it for their personal development in school, at home and daily life.
The video entry was launched early of 2018 and they need to submit a 3 minute video taken by their smartphone and use the topic: How is technology changing how you learn today?
They are required to upload the video entry on Youtube and submit it at their contest page - https://mybusiness.globe.com.ph/globeprojectedph/

Last night March 8, 2018 was the awards night of the Globe MyBusiness ProjectED, they've invited 10 finalist and also other contest joiners to witness the grand unveiling of the finalist and winners and also screen all together the selected entries.
A total of 100 video entries was submitted, but 10 entries were the lucky ones who made it and was included in the final judging of the contest. You can view their entries on Youtube, just use the hashtag via the search section: #GlobeProjectED

There's a Youtube booth at the awards night. Guest and visitors can visit the booth and try a sing a long or karaoke using Youtube crowd sourced content

This is just a start, we're wishing for another set of contest at the end of this year. When we viewed the video entries, We're so impressed that these kids got talent and skills already when it comes to shooting the video, editing the video, and showcasing different kind of concepts, it proves that all of them are passionate on what they are doing.
Btw, if you are one of the finalist, feel free to message me here in my blog and let's do a collab project.

Here are the criteria of the contest. 1st place winner will receive PHP 50k cash and plus a PHP50k education package for the school.
The video entries are judged by a panel of Globe leaders and members of Globe Studios, and also by award-winning film makers Emerson Reyes and Keith Sicat.

250 students present at the awards night here in Maybank Performing Arts Auditorium.

Spotted last night: vlogger Nate Punzalan

We've seen the video entries and all of the 10 entries are so entertaining. I also like the concept of that courtship video of a Korean guy for his pinay classmate, the Korean guy used the internet on how to use the proper Filipino language to communicate well to his classmate.
But among the entries, only one video stand out. Its a video made by the students of UE Caloocan and headed by team members: Geremie Ampong, John Paul Abcede, Aries Lomansoc and Patrick Concepcion. They are guided by their teacher coach: Ms Aurora Cabote-Part'ee.
check out the winning entry below:
For 2nd place - UE Manila, headed by Xylo Pineda, Julliene Noblezada, James Ambag, Lyphelle Caparal and teacher coach Ms Dannah May Ramos
For 3rd place - Pitogo High School, headed by Eduardo Pequena Jr, Abby Gayle Mangaser, Jerry Manaoag, Jose Angelo Arboleda and teach coach Leticia Belchez Beronio II

Congratulations to all winners and who joined the contest, congrats to Globe MyBusiness for advocating the use of technology for learning and education. I hope you can organize more so that kids as young as grade school and high school can use technology for social good.

Thanks also to Marcie Linao for inviting us to witness the awarding.
Thanks for reading my blog post of the day, we at PBNET are also advocating to teach the youth on how to use technology for social good and our LGU and tourism dept in some province to use social media and blog to promote their region, if you want us to visit you for a one day workshop and lecture, just contact me here on my blog or at my FB.