The package arrived yesterday and I was about to reveal the content of the package last night, but I took a rest and decided to post it the next day. Thanks Warner TV for the top secret package, I wondered why you sent also a beauty product hahahah.
So here are the items:

The items are inside this black crate with Warner TV logo

My son got excited when he saw this Bean Boozled jelly beans, he's familiar because he saw this before in Evan Tube's Youtube. And looking at the price tag --- wow! mahal pala ito
We're going to film a video while trying each jelly beans and so help me God..I dont want to try that rotten egg flavored jelly beans.

Oh cute black playing cards....weird..its my 1st time to encounter card F, B and I
hmmmm what's the clue???
there might be a riddle on these cards.

I think my new career is to be a beauty blogger.
Thanks Warner TV for sending this, but when I was about to use it..I found a note under the other items and after I read it..ohhh ahhhh ohhhhh...I NEED THIS!!!!
Perfect item! and this is the best item ever! Im going to need this for travel and camping.

My wife kidnapped already this pop corn hahah.
I wonder if there are some pop corn left for me.
But wait..there's a note.

The package is about the Warner TV premiere of Deception tv series, its a 2018 release and the pilot episode will air this March 12, 2018 at 9pm only in Warner TV

About the series:
When his career is ruined by scandal, superstar magician Cameron Black has only one place to turn to practice his art of deception, influence and illusion—the FBI. Using every trick in the book and inventing new ones, he will help the government catch the world's most elusive criminals while staging the biggest illusions of his career.
The new series will air in Warner TV and its the same day as the US air their premiere. Its about a magician got hired by the FBI as a consultant to solve their investigation and analyze which part got them tricked.
I think criminals are using some technique to deceive the FBI and get away for their crimes. So they need the help of Cameron Black, one of the most popular magician and illusionist, to help them catch the criminals and get their senses back.
Cameron Black is played by Jack Cutmore-Scott and his FBI female partner Kay Daniels played by Ilfenesh Hadera.
The series reminds me of the movie -- Now you see me?, but this tv series is much more better because it will engage the viewers to solve too the puzzles.