The pandemic struck us without warning and it forced every household to stay home and quarantine themselves for almost 8 months. Being locked out from the public prevents us from doing our everyday life out of our homes. No malls visit, no outdoor leisure and also it add more inconvenience to us when we visit for a doctor check up. Because healthcare today is very important, we should follow the health protocol and stay safe and in good shape, but what about the people who need health advice and consultation from doctors ? We still need the doctor’s advice and the only way to reach them is to visit a clinic or call them on the phone.
Since everyone is jumping into the online lifestyle, we are now forced to shop for items online, the food and beverages can now be bought online, clothing and tech devices can be acquired easily online, thanks to online shopping sites. Love advice is heard on phone calls, radio and the internet. Even if we have problems we go online to talk to our family and friends.
But the internet is here and it connects us smoothly, so here comes Sanofi’s Wehealth, an eHealth ecosystem that connects patients to doctors through multiple digital touch points, providing a viable alternative to enable access to quality healthcare.
WeHealth partners with different organizations that are united under the vision of creating a Healthier Philippines, these organizations provide e-healthcare to Filipinos via phone calls and the internet.
They partnered with Aide, KonsultaMD, Medifi, SeriousMD, HealthNow, GCash, Southstar Drug and Watsons Pharmacy.
For Sanofi's role, their products are now available for purchase online and sold via their partners and can be delivered to a patient's home.
Sanofi is known as one of the best healthcare institutions with a solid background and track record related to Diabetes care, it is in a good position to continue to be a loud voice in advocating programs to improve the state of Diabetes in the Philippines. More importantly, they do not follow a one-size-fits-all approach. They believe that healthcare is different for everyone and that each person living with diabetes is unique. They believe in Your Type.
With the help of technology, Sanofi and their Wehealth partners can deliver this personalized healthcare and reach the needs of the patient with a few dials and mouse clicks. It is fast and easy and I can tell that it is effective, because a friend is looking for a doctor for her illness, and I sent a comment and I told her that she should try KonsultaMD, which she did and she is surprised that she got a doctor’s consultation and meds and the calls and contact with the doctor is FREE for first time users.
I also recommend a friend who suffers from a pain in her jaw, I told her to contact the doctors online and she did it too. She gets good doctor's advice and she is now fully recovered.
For my family, we are so ready for it because I’m aware of these e-healthcare, but we do pray that we stay healthy forever, but if ever we get struck with an illness, my top of my mind is the Sanofi Wehealth and its ehealthcare offerings. Yes, I will click that button for no worries.
People with diabetes, hypertension and other chronic illnesses really need immediate medical attention, they need regular check ups and also a visit or a talk with a doctor just to monitor the patient’s health and get advice from real doctors.
To know more about Sanofi WeHealth, go visit their site at
And also watch this video to understand more how Sanofi Wehealth works