TV5 Bloggers event and party @ Red Box, Greenbelt

TV 5 organized a bloggers event and party at Red Box, Greenbelt 3 and too bad that I went there so late and already missed the celebrities and whole cast of their tv shows Midnight DJ, LipGloss and Flow. But glad that there are lots of food in the buffet area and I went there first and ate my dinner. Myk and the TV5 people raffled off lots of stuff like grocery package, DVD player, Gameboy micro and many more. They also gave lots of loot bag to all bloggers who were present.

After the party and meal, everyone enjoyed singing and took over the mic, but after some songs, Myk will raffle off again and enjoyed super the thrill and party-han with our blogger friends. The TV 5 bloggers party is also a teaser and soft launch of their 3rd season shows at TV 5 and looks like that their tv station is getting big and having a lot of growth already. thanks to TV5 and kudos to all your staff for making everyone happy and enjoy the great time at Red Box.

check out more photos below

more photos in my album at TV5 Bloggers event and party @ Red Box, Greenbelt

and photo from Iris's album at

check out carl's album

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