Ahhhh the new blog layout is here, its the same layout from my previous template. I hope there will no more bugs.
I posted my notes here in my FB page - http://www.facebook.com/popazrael/posts/10151661577309276
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- Ted Claudio, Rence Chan, Augustus Caesar and 3 others like this.
- Azrael Coladilla deleted my current layout and paste the new one...ohh time to check the preview before saving
- Azrael Coladilla im using that old PAGE links and menu -- coming from the test blog layout..ehem..which is from the toycon blog hahahaha
- Azrael Coladilla crapp social profiles not updated and also my custom made fb share and twit share is now missing..must create a new one
- Azrael Coladilla using now http://www.thumbalizr.com/ to view my blog layout from other sources
Welcome to the beta stage of thumbalizr. Online and API interfaces have been imp...See More - Azrael Coladilla crapp some of the sidebar elements are gone...i thought that will appear automatically when a new layout is applied
- Azrael Coladilla ohh okay..thumbalizer showed a good caps of my blog - http://beta.thumbalizr.com/app/thumbs/?src=/thumbs/onl/source/09/090fbcaf3336fb73c7e021b9f54907c7.png&w=800&q=0&enc=
- Azrael Coladilla removing the chikita ad codes..... noticed that their ads are annoying in mobile format
- Azrael Coladilla added 3 footer widget...tnx http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2010/01/add-customized-three-column-footer.html -- for the tips
You might have seen a three column widget at the bottom section of many commerci...See More