yesterday i was invited by Marian to meet her in Starbucks Greenhills. and then my college friend left the house and went home to Pangasinan. then i was very sleepy going to Greenhills but i decided to visit Robinson Galleria and there I accidentally met my fellow Toy collector Matto.
Toy bizs
we went to Greenhills together and he said that it is his time to buy that 3-pack box set Birds if Prey action figures at P2700 pesos. and we went to BT Hobbycrafts to ask estimate of customizing his DC direct Silver Age WonderWoman to be converted to Linda Carter Wonder Woman. but the toy customizer told that it needs lots of putty sculpt and paint job. so they gave it at P1800 for the custom. just like buying a brand new toy.
Beyond Greenhills
Then i met Marian in Starbucks and she wants me to tour her to the inside and beyond the maze of Greenhills Viramall and Shoppesville. there i found some new toys for sale.and i didnt saw that Star Wars Clone Wars action figures. its good to go out again and visiting to these toy shops with my friend-girl. then she invited me on some gathering of locals for business minded person.
Its a girl thing! Marian dragged me inside this girl wear shop.hahehah
the price is a whopping P800 ! whooho..for the net something-like that blouse.
got tired and blow up a little then i decided to rest alone inside this
Star Mart Caltex in Greenhills after that long lecture about business and stuff like that...i got some spy cam shots but my face in the pic looks that im 80 yr old. haheahehheah
Start of the ultimate busy month
Today will be our grand rehearsal for the independent film we are producing.and next week will be our grand shooting in Greenbelt.
have to go to the home base in Glorietta at 7pm.then hmm..
we might grab some beers and jamming session in Joon's place.
We Are Ready for the Revolutions
Good news! we got 30 tickets for the Matrix Revolutions World Premiere!
hoohhooho...thanks to Oneal. and our group Matrix Philippines will be having a booth in Greebelt 3. and we are in full matrix costumes.
Marian took me a picture when Oneal called on my cellphone. and capturing then moments of SHOCK after i heard the great good news re: revolutions
word of the day:
ya! ya! ya! ya! ya!