I knock on the door and then Lico opened the gate and the door with the Video camera facing in me..and i greet them a mild trick or treat ! its their Halloween party. then we ate their Halloween cake.
and got a chance to meet their members of Asong Makulit Productions a indie comic group. and Lico's place rocks! they have this little doggie run around the house and 2 love birds in fron of their gate and Halloween stuff decorated in their home. and then i stayed for only an hour and then i proceed to my groups meeting.
this is a great pre-Halloween event for me..and they have a part 2 on Oct 31.
Unplugged me!
just finished our meeting for Matrix Phil. and plans are now running in our veins for the next big event. and also when we went to Luna to visit her, coz she suffered a slight injury on her car accident. then we saw the full trailer of Revolutions on AXN...it rocks !!!! all questions about the matrix will be revealed in Phil. Theaters on Nov.5
then we played Luna's PS2, Soul CAlibur and Tekken 4, which it hook me immediately. and me i hate Tekken, but when i played the game and starting to beat everyone .i turned into a Tekken lover in an instant.
its a busy week for me again...and hmm...i might rest for a moment and wash my clothes!!!
word of the day:
i will absorb your energy..
i already studied all your moves!