its day 3 of the Star Wars con, and we will expect more crowd for this day. coz we will be presenting to the public the Star Wars Phil. Jedi Academy. a training system that will make you a Jedi. we have acitivity games for kids like Jedi Temple Maze, Starfighter Challenge, Light Saber construction, Force throw challenge and the last.....Light Saber Training with the use of a Light Saber and must try to hit droid Training Remote..
ok.thats all for super update later ,,,
thanks to Pao D. for the photo coverage of our event and for the lift to Alabang.
nyayy!!!! R2D2 will join us in our event yey!!!
Meann, Gary, me , baby Jac, Beejay (napaso sa light saber)
Gary (Anakin Malfoy) and Lord of the Sith Jac