its a title i got from a hentai anime, er..a erotic-romance anime, that i watch 4 years ago, and its a love story. i used this title coz hmm..i was thinking that it will be the end of summer, my summer, and it means that everyone will be busy and back to work and school,. its my own summer, i created during the past months, lots of headache from my exgf and lots of happy joy joy adventures with my band, friends, girl friends, and family. still im thinking about which one is my unforgettable summer experience.
No longer a baby
Last wednesday i was chatting again with my high school baby, Ann, and its nice to have another conversation with her about our first meet, ligawan days,and awayan,, and hoping that we have our free sked so that we can meet, to my surprised, she confess that she's a die hard Harry Potter fan, she has lots ot collections in her room, she found out about the Harry Potter event in Shangri La, geez..hope we meet again. and thanks for reading my site.
Az's Day Out
Thursday was a a busy day for me, me and Dainty made a sked for a Horror Movie Marathon at home, but there are some activites that filled my sked for that day, first i have this meeting for the Transformers Philippines, and then theres an event in Robinsons Galeria, We Are Anime hosted the cosplay contest in LG League Game finals, and a orientation for my teaching gig.
I went to Dainty's house to meet her there then we went to Greenhills for the Transformers Philippines, man..i need a lot of adjustment for the group, coz im the group's new leader, now im leading them into a battle royale this coming Toycon, and lots of activites and upgrade for the group. thanks to Big Daddy and Joe for attending the meeting.
Then we went to LG League's event, but the cosplay already ends, but Dainty was surprised that her fave band 6Cyclemind will perform that night.It was a hell of a crowd back there, we were infront of the stage sitting and listening to the music. and for me studying the stage layout of the event..great set up they have..i like the booths of Level Up and Games Master.
Then we meet my friend Therese, another girl who like pinoy band music, and we were going to watch Play for Serve event in Gasoline Alley. Sandwich, Twisted Halo, Cambio, Imago, played that night. its another music tripping we have that day, and we already forgot to do our Horror Movie Marathon, maybe we set it up on another date.
Ripe Tomato at Eastwood
Its a a hell and heaven battle in Eastwood City, it was the Ripe Tomato event of 99.5 RT, its a celebration of music by pinoy bands, total of 17 bands performed that night, the Jologs,loko, rockers and the sosy people flock the event. me and Therese met there to watch the music fest., and then i was studying the whole area what will it look like when Fete de la Musique commence. hmm...the place is open and wide to fit the whole music ! much more better than El Pueblo.
Therese went home after the South Border performance, then i was left behind to watch the whole event, and place my seld in front of the stage, but them Slamming cant be avoided. i was concern about the girls in front of me.coz some of the girls are in front of the stage and the loko or rockers are behind us, they were slamming and we cant avoid getting hurt, the Bouncers do their stuff to prevent some violent actions.
man..girls went wild when Rivermaya and Bamboo performed. also i was surprised to see Joon, played bass to Itchyworms...what a guy! idol! to see Joon harasss the Bass guitar.nice chief !
then i met a girl in the stage and she wants to stay beside me, coz shes taking pictures of Bamboo, then i helped her out and protect her from the body slamming rockers. she smiled and gave me a warm thank you. we were talking for a moment,,and damn...i didnt get her number or email and even a picture! about a mental block in a middle of a conversation.
i also remember room 3222 in City Mega and Plaza condo, near the room of Ed...i cant forget those chickies smile at me when we opened our room doors when we heard a fire alarm sound.damn me again...a total mental block again...
thanks again to Mr.Edgar Tadeo for letting me have those sleep overs and gimik in his condo unit. and thanks to Amie for a nice kulitan in the webcam., yo Ed...salamat pre!