me and my game developer are talking everyday and he updates me on the new developement for the "Azrael's Adventure in Merryland"
The Game is about me, having this adventure in my own Merryland, where all of my Sheep is gone and kidnapped by unseen foe.
the mission will be I'l be gonna search and rescue all my Sheep and bring them back to my ranch in my Merryland.
By the use of this Whoop Ass Magic Stick, i can eliminate all enemies blocking my way. and every stage..i have to fave each enemy stage boss.
the game play is like Mario Bros and Castlevania.
its a sidescrolling game...with lots of laughs..and look at the game so cute!!!
The game developement started last week and this was planned, i think 3 months ago.
today. he send me the game demo, and the it was great! i can see the animated me...walking and wields its magic stick.
this game will be available and soon be exhibited on our upcoming event on November 2004, The Philippine Game Developers Conference 2004.