Damn! i just experienced an earthquake while ago here at home,and it was freaky and scary. the ground shaking began at 3:10am, Intensity 4 here in Manila, running time of quake is 3-4 minutes (my observation). Philvolcs blames the Manila trench for the quake.
I was surfing the net, then. i felt a sudden shaking, at first i thought that i ghost passed by and disturbs me, but then,,the shaking continues and bigger. then i notice my CD cabinets are shaking and it gives me 10 seconds to figure it out that it is an earthquake.
In a zap of time i shut off my PC and TV, then i went upstairs to wake my sister inside her room. to my surprise she's awake and felt the quake. i can see our house shaking like a cradle tru the window and i can see the roof of our neighbors house shaking left to right.
it kinda freak me out coz i've experience lots of quake and this is my 3rd time big shaking experience. i was worried what if our house falls down. during the shaking im looking at the clock and time in's the quake.
then after that..i called RG who at that time we got our online graveyard shift chats, and online buddies, Kitchie, Lulu Ciel, Ryan, Amie, Trish, and my mom.
Swimming party
Trish just arrived from Japan, after her 1 year scholarship and she invited me to go with her in Westin Phil Plaza hotel to take a cool swim in the pool.its nice to hear from her again..i really miss her so much. all that kulitan, night out, movies and hockey. and i hope she stay here in Manila for long. i know she loves to stay in Europe, but hey...lets hang out for a while before you leave again.
me and RG will be there to have our shooting for our Video game.
also we might interview people who knows me and give comments about me and the upcoming game.
sick ol bastard
i just felt sick while ago, after my dinner, and it sucks and i hate it.
i feel like a guy having a desmenorea ...ew..i hate that. my digestive system is not normal. and the Coffee in my blood kicks in... my body and hands began to shake and im very nervous acting.. and its just because of the strong caffeine.
i will never drink our home coffee. Folgers is very strong. and i cant take it.. maybe il go back to ginseng tea.
having that incident gives some thoughts that im going to die. I was worried that it might happened to me how Rico Yan the actor dies in his sleep. but im lucky..im stil awake,
lesson: no more junk foods, no more coffee at night.
Az the game!
here is the sample cover of the game. RG did a cool layout for the cover of the game..its like a PS2 CD game
thanks again to Nelz and RG.
i like to cry after seeing your works.