2 more events to go.....and time to go back to my natural habitat.
and im in a Meeting marathon this week, have to meet Lace's groupmate, people from the Atomic Underground for the UP anime fair, Melch of GMA to talk about some gaming developing, Silvana editor of Philippine Hobbyist MAgazine, which will be revive and needed my assstance for the idea of the magazine,,.geez..this will be one big bang for the end of 2004 and beginning of 2005.
expect me..reformating a Hobby Magazine..imagine what will be the outcome..hhhhehhe.....il do more of Wizard, Newtype, Toyfare , Pulp and a little bit of Filipino twist.
Our Campus tour in Assumption Antipolo has ended, and now im into this new event for December. I just love to see the developements of all our events. and It seems that every event we organize even that it is still the same, new adventures and learning experiences come in our way. I know it is hard and exhausting but the fun never leaves. ..and ...we enjoy it.
i really missed those kids in Assumption, they are really a hard core fanatic of everything, from anime, comics to jmusic, and they treated us good, not as teacher or seniors, but friends.
here's a funny comicstrip by Lyndon Gregorio.on what will be our comic story during our campus tour in Assumption.
Animo Rockathon
I'm helping my honey Lace and her groupmates Maan, Lala for their school project in marketing, they are told to make a prodcution event as a submission for their exam in the subject Social Marketing. They got the idea in organizing a Band music entertainment, so my honey asked for my assistance..and there you go.
Lucky me, I got the Gasoline Alley for the pecfect venue. located in Robinson's Galleria. I've been crawling all day and pretending to be the ultimo League of Extra Ordinary Gentlemen, and also I do this for the love and passion in events organizing.
and also..for my honey. (inserts music by MeatLoaf "I will do anything for Love") hahhaha...well. everytime we're together more laughs and funny things we encounter, i almost forgot what to do when we're together in Greenbelt, staring at the fireworks display that night, it was a perfect romantic moment..and damn...i forgot something important to tell her..oh..well..maybe there's a next time.
for the event..here are some i invited bands to perform tentative Dec 11, 2004. >> The Purplechickens, Late Isabel, Do ahou, 7Thursday, Drip and some 5 bands from other university.
we were talking to the booker of the venue which was also the band manager of Sandwich and 6Cyclemind, and he proposes to invite their band also, but we cant guarantee to pay them the talent fee..coz..its so expensive..wow..being a rockstar is cool.
Agent Smith
behold...the new band im currently managing...
that will explosive on Dec 4 in UP, Bahay ng Alumni
visit website at Agentsmith.epinoy.com