Im very busy this past days for the preparation of the next event. UP AME's Anime Fair, UNA KAME! the 1st Collegiate Anime Fair in the Philippines, happening on Dec 4, 2004 in UP Diliman, Bahay ng Alumni.
now im on the role of managing the whole group of Artists' Den in participating in the event as the exhibitor for the indie comic booths, im thankful to the full cooperation of my group, and to those fresh comic creators...congratulations for making more new comics.
and also for the coming G2con next year
check out the exhibitor list of this event
take a look on number 2, 14, 20
it's our group of companies hahhahahahahhah
click on the photo for a better viewing
Editor ek ek
im facing a career change,,,and a career lift eheheeh
last thursday at my other meeting, I was appointed as the new editor in chief of an upcoming magazine to be release next year, expect a magazine that has a content in the likes of Wizard, Toyfare, Newtype, Animage, Animerica, EGM, and etc.
its a big challenge for me to handle this kind of stuff, playing as an Editor for Omake Omake News Philippines for 7 years, maybe its time to change now...I guess its time to reformat my blog and practice more in writing ..
garrfff.f..f.. i hate prooofff readinghsss !!!!!
for now im looking for 2 layout artist, writers and probably some artist who can be part of my new team.
go ! go !!!
i was invited to be the host of this new event and new japanese organization called Juijiro Org. me and honey Lace will be there and we will bring hot/cold sake for everyone. more curious on how the guys can cook hahah.. i counted ??? yikes....calls..camy's mom !!
i think i need her japanese rice recipe.
Juujiro J-Culture Organization
cordially invites you to
Tabemono Fest: A Festivitiy of Japanese Cuisine
Saturday, 11 December 2004
at Crisanta Towers, Pasig City
program starts at 12:00 pm
there will be cooking demos, on-the-spot cooking contest,
extreme ramen eating contest, free food taste and recipes.
for pre-registration and inquiries, email us at
click the photo for a better view
Az the nun
because of thinking of making a as the nun
and making it into a indie film.
ICA students made me to miss them all.
this fan art is created by Angela Lim.
Az the ICA nun, in full color
Merryland will close soon
yup..its true, i might close the doors now and no more sheeps
hmmm....but dont worry, the blog site will be active.
for im only opening the only door to my honey..
as i said last time...last year...
"this is it!"