wohooh..me and my honey.meet up yesteday and it was great to see her again, after a 1 week of sickness and staying in our homes, 1st week before xmas the best time to see each other again.
congratulations for making up to the Dean's List..astig!
and thanks honey..for the cookies!
as my song goes... "on the 1st day of Christmas my true love sent to me, .a box full of choco chips cookies"
we were going to watch Wong Kar Wai's new film "2046" but the movie showing seems screwed up for the upcoming Manila Film Fest on Dec 25. so i think they hold the release of the film here in our country in welcoming the entries of the Film fest.
but watching the "Harold and Kumar" film really sells to us. funny movie and crazy dudes in their adventure going to that Burger fast food called "The White Castle". after the movie i dragged Lace to Wendy's to grub a big Burger for lunch.
it was a short time for me to be with her, but she have to go back to school and me have to attend a business meeting. but im glad that everything is ok for us...
whohooh...cookies !!!!!
my love baked me box of cookies!
thanks Honey!!!!!!!
you see...my stomach is my brain! ahhaha..