behold! from the sciene lab of Dr.Frankenstein
its AZRAEL the plush doll
been thinking if this will be available for orders ehehehe
but the 1st one will be owned by my girlfriend Lace.
im warming up for the upcoming event, and now my blood are circulating properly. have to write the script for the stage play that im going to direct and present it to my honey Lace and to present it to my friend in PETA who are experts in stage acting. Have to update the Artists' Den website and do some write ups on our previous events, work on that E-Media Kit. Settle the layout and sections for the upcoming magazine, and we already slept for almost 2 weeks, i guess its time to work on this before the AnimeXplosion 2005, coz i can see that im really busy.
crap! another event that has been offered to me. and its a million peso budget for the event.and holy moley guacamoley,. i dont have any idea what the hell is that million peso thing. I dont know if i can commit on this coz AnimeXplosion will be my final event. but i think they need my consulatation about events organizing. head is going to pop out! more writings need to be done this week. deadline !!!!!!
Siena Tour
the Artists' Den , enjoying some freebies from Siena. (photo by Lei)
last sunday was our campus tour in Siena College QC. The Artists' Den pulled another succesful campus tour and having an ART Workshop for kids.
i came late that time, coz i felt dizzy and sick in the morning, and failed to catch the 1st batch of the workshop, but when i came to the school. its time for lunch! lots of food everwhere! its like a food fiesta... then theres a note in my head that says "I love Crispy Pata".
Thanks to Mrs. Payoyo,Siena Faculty and Principal for inviting us there.
Lico is a Spongebob lecturer hahahaha
it was a fun lecture, can't believe that all these kids are too much addicted to Sponge Bob Sqaure pants, so our lecturers like Lico did some Spongebob examples during his lecture. Lico taught them on how to make a story and explains on some elements of the right way to generate ideas and concept in comic making. next was Lyndon about Character Developement
Drawing time..thanks to Melch's drawing manual.
and final - Melch teaches them on basic drawing and drawing activity.
Me and Syeri hosted the lecture, sometimes we clown around in front to give amusement to kids.. hahahaha.."Syeri Baet of Siena Batch 1995 pls proceed to the office for the 3'o clock habit!" hahaah..this is one of our joke on her during the was fun..and funny!
some on the stop ARTworks of kids for their FAMILY DAY theme event.
Artists' Den campus tour @ Siena College QC
check our more photos here
and look at those funny and cheesy pics aehhhehe
my honey
oh wow...she's graduating..and im next year.(i think)
Lace Llanora ready for October
and its our 1st month Anniversary tomorrow Jan 25, 2005!
wohoohohoh!! im so happy ! i love you honey!