I'm starting to get lazy updating my blog and I'l become busy soon and this might be my last week for vacation. School is coming this April 4, and I'l enroll for my summer class this March 30 and hoping that I grab a good schedule so that I can set my sked for work, school, friends and Lace.
It's a crappy week for my this Holy week, but I'm talking about the internet connection, I just finished creation this website for Lace, it will be used as a material for their project. It's nice that I designed a shopping online website again after the 3 years of cancellation of my online shop. And I miss it, and now we are planning to put a real online shop soon. Maybe It will be a good start again managing the business, I want to rich hehehehe... (oppss scrolls down to the past entries)
I'm reading some stuffs lately, from books and internet articles just to feed my brain and to know the latest news and events happening everywhere, in otherwords- I want to be updated. But the Anime Life is over so I'm gearing up on the serious side and bye bye to Anime. People grows up and I observed that the Anime community here is no longer that healthy and I don't like it anymore. So that's why I left the community.
so much for personal stuffs heehheheh..
here are the latest wacky news for the Merryland.
as for my new readers! hello and welcome to Azrael's Merryland.
not just my merryland...but it's for everyone's merryland.
3rd Kick
Az and Lace
yup its our 3rd month as a couple of pizza monsters hahhahah
I'm glad that everything is going smooth again.
I really love this girl!
I promised her a marathon of Tenjou Tenje anime series. and hmmm
I have to grab some blank cdr for the series..
helo patrick! ehhe..tnx for the series!
Toy Talk no.7
photograph by: Mark Cerbo
edited and words by : me
tools: Nikon Camera and Photoshop 6.0 and Nagaraya nut crackers
Snake Eyes Vs. Catwoman
"Escape from Gotham claws"
that's a Snake Eyes, G.I. Joe 2000 edition and Catwoman Microman edition.
the action figure belongs to Mark, one our toy maniacs
If they can post a weekly comicstrip in their blogs.
I can do that too, so here's my version of comic creation.
inspired from Toyfare Twisted Mego Theater.
Az and Boracay
check out my photos here
my mom got mad and then later on laugh at me when she saw my photos
be sure to view all the pictures and dont skip any pic when viewing.
you might discover something hmm...HOT!
music blahs
Avril Lavinge and Simple Plan will have a concert here on March 30, and crappy dap dap I dont have money to watch, I'm thinking to go there at the Fort and watch and listen to their live music outside the perimeter.
Well..people did that during the Mariah Carey concert and they watch it live in this Giant screen outside the Concert area. and hell...I want to watch the concert for FREE, just like in that Incubus concert, thanks to my friends for grabbing the ticket. and now.once again...I'm praying for another FREE ticket for Avril Lavigne and Simple Plan concert.
I think I need some music medication, I miss live music and rock live shows. I' watching MTV always and saw this Live rock music and I'm surfing now trying to find some gigs from the local scene.
I need to go out and listen to MUSIC !!
anyway.here's a lyrics I like from THE KILLERS' Mr. Brightside..song
I'm coming out of my cage
And I've been doing just fine
Gotta gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all
It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Now I'm falling asleep
And she's calling a cab
While he's having a smoke
And she's taking a drag
Now they're going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head
But she's touching his chest
Now, he takes off her dress
Now, let me go
I just can't look its killing me
And taking control
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea <-- i like this part.
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
Cause I'm Mr Brightside
and there you go.I can see some part of my self in that song.
well..sort of.
Safe Sex is Smart Sex
I always see this advertisement in MTV, and I really like the concept of that commercial. They have this lots of version, sometimes guys and girls talk to their selves in the mirror trying to have this conversation practice for that guy, convincing them to use CONDOM. one of the girls says " If you really love me, then use and wear a condom".
It's nice to hear this stuff and I like the idea of the Ad, and its a short stop 30-sec sex education for all younglings.
i know everyone is doing, but to prevent diseases and having unwanted pregnancy...just use a condom to solve and prevent the problem.
so here's a link for the Top 10 Sex Myths
visit http://www.staying-alive.org/ for more info
maybe this will help to some of my friends who ask me some questions every week or almost other day after they doing it. eheheh.. and I think this might help them.