Inspirational talk and lecture for 150 graduating Masscom students of PUP
this friday at 1pm-5pm at PUP AVR.
I'l be hosting a lecture together with Ed Lingao, ABC reporter also
former reporter of ABS CBN, the guy who was assigned to do coverage
of the War on Iraq.
astig !! ahahahah
il carry the banner of AD and PHM
Occular Inspection
yersterday we went to College of St. Benilde to meet up with BJ David of the Student Publication Unit- The Benildean to have an occular inspection of facilities we will be using for our lecture next week March 9.
Artists' Den will have a lecture there about comic art creation, digital art, basic drawing, and creative writing. A team of Artists' Den professionals will host the lecture for all students of CSB.
you can check out the photos here
No more Cigar
it was a fun day for more Cigar...eheheheheeh
me and lace marks a happy face. and we will be more happier next year.
coz the Cigar will wait until next year.
3rd Phil. Sci Fi and Fantasy Con
It is now official.
NEW WORLDS EPISODE 3: The 3rd Philippine Science Fiction & Fantasy
Convention will be held on May 23 and 24 at the Glorietta Activity
Center. This year's host is Star Wars Philippines, in commemoration
of the last great movie of the Star Wars saga. The event is
presented by the New Worlds Alliance, Mellow Touch 94.7, and the
Ayala Center.
The NWA is the first organization of science fiction and fantasy fan
groups in the country. Formed in 2003, the NWA is currently composed of
Pinoy Harry Potter (PHP);
PinoySlayers—The Filipino Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series Fan Club;
Pinoy X-Philes (PXP)—The Filipino X-Files Fan Club;
Star Wars Philippines (SWP);
The Matrix Philippines;
The Talon—The Filipino Smallville Fan Club;
Pinoy Fremen—The Filipino Dune Fan Club;
Alliance for Eclectic Gamers and Interactive Storytellers (AEGIS);
The Philippine Tolkien Society (TPTS);
and Via Astris Inc. (VA)—The Star Trek Club of the Philippines.
Check out past convention pics at the SWP Website Gallery: