last week I met Lace's Mom and also her family, even that all of them already knows me and I met them already before, her mom is the only on who haven't seen me or met me. So the meet up was great and its nice to be with her family, Its cool coz I join them during lunch and dinner, and its seems like Im part of her family hahhahah (that will be soon).
Been working lately and I just finished the layouting of a 60 page comic for kids and its to act as a one man layout artist, I learned something from doing that gig and its fun to see colorful pages and right now Im starving for colors green, light blue and pink. Its a marathon for me to do that layout and sorry that I can't share you what I did coz the company wants it to b confidential, and its not the official pages but still only a sample for its upcoming release maybe this year or next year.
Daddy Az and baby Anya
I've been visiting Lace to her home in Cavite to help her to finish the thesis, and during that time I'm always there to see baby Anya, she's so cute and always have this high energy to smile and greet people around, I'm so happy to see her to say "Az!", even that I met her twice and this is the very first close encounter with baby Anya. hehehe
Smile to Mommy Lace :)
mind you people, that Anya is girl! ahaha..yup, she had under gone a new hair do last month and as you can see her cuteness when smiling ahhaahha. I know she likes camera too, like us.
Where's my Swishmax huhuhu
Im going to finish one website layout and still Im sad for losing that Swishmax installer and the crack code to disable its trial run. If you know some crack code website for Swishmax ver. 2003 pls email me or message me here, Its very important and I need it for school and some side jobs.
ok one more website design for Lace coming up...
Komikon buzz
hmm..this sunday Website of Komikon will be uploaded, Im working on the layout already (in my mind) and will upload it on sunday, have to upload it before the month ends and the event needs sponsors to make it succesful, the Artists' Den people are now working on their brains and hearts to make the event happen. and it will be first ever pinoy comic event, Im glad that our pinoy artist are very cooperative and their participation for the event is very important, Ariel and the gang did a very good job in handling the event from scratch and I know this event will be the baby project for Artists' Den ever year.
Artists' Den already finished the members I.D. and the I.D. holder will have 10% discount in Gloria Jeans Coffee in Shopwise Araneta.
And also the I.D. serves a proof that you are a member of Artists' Den. Thanks to Ariel and his team for putting up the logo and the design of the I.D. and at last for almost 6 years, Artists' Den is now walking like hurricane.
Komikon will be the big break to al pinoy artist.
Azrael Lecture in Far Eastern University
Az sleeping during Numerical Equation class
My Math teacher in FEU invited me to do a 3 hour lecture in our university on September 20, 2005. The lecture is for the Institute of Arts and Science, I did a 2 hour lecture couple of months ago in an I.T. class discussing about the history of animation, kinds of animation and the introduction of flash animation, 50 4th year students were there to listen and attended.I signed their certificate of attendance for a proof of attending my lecture.
next month will be a busy day for me and right now Im going to start warming up, just to be ready and prepared for my upcoming lecture.