We just watched the movie Goblet of Fire and its one of the best Harry Potter film after Prisoner of Azkabhan, and whoa! more great actions on the upcoming film,
and by watching it last wednesday we got a free HP:GOF pocket calendar, a collectible print by SM Cinemas and too bad that they only give one copy for ticket holder of 3.
I'm not a good reviewer of Harry Potter movies, but all I can say is that if you are a book lover etc.etc.same treatment as it goes like in the Lord of the Rings "dont expect it all to happened in the film", but if you are a movie goer you will definitely enjoy the movie, just dont forget to watch the previous trilogy of HP.
as for me.. failed to complete the half of the movie of Prisoners of Azkabhan, so here I am looking for videos to watch this coming weekend.
Speaking of weekend, it means no classes and work for us food monsters. Plan for going out is tentative so we might stay indoors playing or watching TV.
I've been reading all this comic previews in the internet and damn! where I have been, coz there's this chaos happening in the DC and MArvel Universe. in DC the hot saga of the Infinite Crisis, which was labeled to be the sequel of Crisis on Infinite Earth and the new series is so hot that some of the superheroes are dying and a revealation of something that will change the whole DCU for the coming year, and in MArvel its the Decimation series and House M or whatever it was called, short stuff - death of half of the mutant population and some of them had ran out of mutant powers.. and one more..rise of the sentinels.
and its a kaboom...!!!!
and now I'm having a hardtime searching for story summaries of this two sagas.
and the price of comics now are expensive compare to the era that I buy comics every week and the comic back then was cheap.
oh well... just buzz me on what happened on the comic universe.