its party time!!!
Happy Birthday to Anyanka Mae, the cutey kulit kid in Cavite hahahaha.
it was a day of cake, palabok, chicken, barbeque, coke, lemonade, confetti, dance music, videoke, cuties, beer and allergy
hahahaa.. Lace was sick after the party, now I know for real that I must not let her drink a beer in life, seeing her in red and later on pinkish color in her whole body is very freaky. and im glad that medication heal her quickly.
at party, I goofed around wearing a geeky eye glasses and big nose and moustache mask.
heres a funny photo party playing with Anya and confettis!

here I am throwing confettis to Anya, while her Aunts hold her and throw lots of colorful confettis for a funny photo ops. Lace poses her cheer leading stance.

during a photo shoot, Lace was posing for another cheerleader stance, before the camera clicked, I immediately fooled around and grab some confetti and shoot it in her mouth ... ahhahaha..it was fun but naughty! dont try that at home.

and then at the back. two naughty couple caught in cam !

adn then after the horsing around..... cutey strike pose !!!!!