I became a cat nurse days ago when Lace's aunt found this 2 week old kitten in the street, the kitten was slaughtered by a unknown male cat here in our area, we know that the mother and its infant are secured living at the back of the pond in the garden. Then we saw that there are bite marks on the neck, and its very weak and unable to stand up, we gave first aid and then feed the kitten hoping to recover.
but after 3 days, it died.
I later found out when I txted the people here in the house, asking if it is alive, I was about to buy some milk for house pets and a baby bottle. But I felt sad when I heard the news.
but its okay.
there are 4 more kittens living on the terace with their mom hahahahah.
but Im hoping that they will move out of that area when they can go out of their own.
sometimes i feel that cats are dumb and smart.
like our favorite house kitten here. now growing into a big cat.
and also he's very popular here and the neighbors walk by infront always just to catch a glimpse of Pulot.
Pulot is funny sometimes. Last night I saw his stranded on top of the garden roof.
I was surprised that he tried to catch that 'butiki' or lizard on the high wall hahahaha.
I rescued him from the top. and now he plays with the fish in the aquarium hahahah
the problems are that those cats outside are not ours..and its hard to catch them if we will get them all spayed.
these cats are street cats that always multiply every season and lands always in our garden and garage to give birth