It was a great morning wake up call for me while I watch TV and read some articles in my laptop that I saved last night, then my friend Earl texted me with a lot of disappointed saying that Heath Ledger is dead and Joker is Dead!.
I almost fell into my seat when I read that and then I immediately checked on the news in CNN if there is an update or a flash news about it, but didn't see any news about Heath. Then I quickly went down carrying my laptop and then opened my internet and there it goes. Everyone in Multiply is already talking about his death and a lot of links reporting it also.
Here''s what I think first when I heard the news. Did he finished the Dark Knight film?
But after reading some articles, the film is finished and it will be his last movie as one of the scariest villain of all comic icons - the Joker.
My first reaction of him as a Joker after I watched that Dark Knight prologue in IMAX, and yes, we just saw one of his powerful portrayal as a spooky character - the Joker. Now that he is gone, it will be a big loss for the entertainment scene without him.
also just saw of his films and didn't give any importance of him before the news about the Dark Knight film.
2001 - A knight's tale
I just enjoyed this funny movie and I was not too much focus on the actor, because the movie is very entertaining and weird haaaha.
2005 - Broke Back Mountain
didn't watched this, you know why? hmm... wala lang. I didn't know that this is about two male lovers, but i might watch it soon for a short tribute.
2005 - Lords of Dogtown
ahahahaha, this is one of the best! yeah I like skateboards the history of that sport.
and I just found out today that he is in that movie.
2005 - Brothers Grimm
I just argued with Lace about this movie, because I want to watch it.
its a very grim movie ahhahaa. if you grew up with children's book you know what I mean.
2008 - Dark Knight
my very much waited movie since last year and one of the best Batman movie. We have to wait for the July premiere.
images from : CNN and Yahoo! Movies
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