I just got this information from Odyssey Live! that they will releasing the CD Album on November 1, 2008 exclusively in all Odyssey record bar. The official release of the album is on November 3 in all record bar. Eheads fans will go crazy tomorrow and will camp out in the opening of the mall just to grab the audio cd of the reunion concert. Too bad that I 'll be grabbing the cd after our visit in the province for the All Soul's day. And I'm not very sure if they have stocks for provincial branches like in SM Lucena. Oh well, will visit the store in Manila at night and hope that there are still some stocks.
Thats right you heard me correctly!
Odyssey Music and Video stores will be releasing the long awaited concert CD before anyone else!
Beginning Tomorrow, November 1, 2008, Odyssey stores will start selling the album. The exact date of release in other stores is not clear but we are the FIRST to sell it to the public!
- from http://www.odysseylive.net/miggy/blog/795/
And here's a preview of the inlay and also the CD
image is courtesy by this guy

time to re-live the reunion concert of the ultraelectromagnetic pop band of the Philippines.
- www.eraserheads2008.co.cc