You should think wisely before you give an invitation

Hello everyone!

I'm writing a new post and its about this event that boils my blood. Its okay to receive invitations from organizers and promoters for their event and inviting bloggers to be there. Its fun to attend and enjoy the great goodies that is been given for free and in return, we bloggers should write about it and share our experience here in our blogs. But I just felt so sad and angry after hearing this event and I just found out that I'm not invited, which before the announcement came in, I already confirmed my attendance after receiving that verbal invite for their event.

I got surprised minutes ago when someone asked me If I'll be there too in that event, my blood boils to anger and found out that this is some kind of joke. I've been waiting for that and I'm very excited to attend it and then later on I found out that I'm not invited. I won't mention that event, but this is a shout out to all event promoters that you should think first and decide wisely in giving invitations, and as a lesson for me, I will never believe in verbal invites, unless you are a friend or people in my circle, but for people who are new to me, I will require now complete details and proof that I'm included in the invited guests.

To avoid the same situation that I encountered, here are some tips on how to make sure that you are included in their list.

1. If you received a formal invitation via email or text, you should reply back to inform them that you are interested to attend it and ask them to include your name on the list or RSVP.

2. If they will post a list of names of guests in a website or email, make sure that your name is listed and double check it to see if your name is written correctly.

3. If you receive an invitation verbally, try to ask more details about the event, ask them to send you full details via email or sms, and make sure that you are included in the guest list. If the event date is near, ask them again and re-confirm your attendance. But if they have invited you and no details about the event and date, thats a big problem, just dont expect that you are part of the guest list. Just Shake your head and walk away.

and for promoters and organizers, here is something you should do, I'm an events organizer so I know a lot of important things that an organizer must do in giving invitations.

1.Before inviting people to attend the event, pls. make sure that all details, venues, logistics is finalized already

2. Select the people you will invite, that can be a special person, family, press, media, bloggers, or celebrity

3. If you have their contacts in email or mobile number, prepare a formal invitations and send it to them privately. But if your event is open to the public, post your event announcement in your blog or website, or ask your contact guest to share this to his/her network, then provide a registration form or RSVP reply via email or mobile.

4. List all of your guests who confirmed and then contact them to inform them that they are included in the guest list. Then print a copy of the guest list and bring it in your event and use it as they will sign that they are present and also serves as a reference to people that is allowed to enter the event.

5. If you will invite a person verbally, try to remind the person that you will send the full details via email or sms.

6. And if you are new to organizing events and inviting bloggers, dont hesitate to ask me or consult in having a smooth and hassle free event.

This is just a short pointers, its just what I do and I hope the incident happened to me will never happen again and to others. And if you plan to experiment an event by inviting bloggers, I suggest that you shouldn't do that, because you might get a bad impressions after if ever we get disappointed. My best advice is that you should RESEARCH more about it.