photo by : carlo_montoya
I started to become afraid already and you know that as a blogger, I love to share some photos or sometimes videos of funny people I see around me, especially people who are sleeping or eating in a funny way, but I'm glad that all of those photo subjects of people are my friends and my relatives, so there's no problem for me and get into a libel case because they can just ask me nicely and take down those posts. But before I post it, I make sure that they gave permission to use those personal digital material and share it in the online public. This applies not only to funny moments, but also to private groups or instituions, for example, I was invited to exhibit my Transformers toys to this private and exclusive (and international) school, it was fun to play my toys with kids and I love to share my toys with them, they sang and performed some High School Musical infront of me, and it was so sweet that they prepared that just for me, I took photos and videos of the kids performing, but then the teachers told me not to take photos and post it online, because they have a policy and have the rights to protect their students in any other way, I understand on their case and then simply follow the rules.
There's this case that I went to Music Museum to watch this concert, and I was with 3 photographer friends and took photos of the foreign artist and also a local artist who is close to our friend who invited us, it was a great performance and love to take home some memories at home and share it to everyone, taking photos and videos are not allowed in the concert, I didn't take some videos, but do take some photos, at first I thought that taking photos with flash are not allowed, but then looks like they are open to some photographers to take some photos without a flash, that's why me and my friends took a lot of snapshots and posted my awesome experience in my blog, a few days later I received this letter from the organizers and they told me to take down the photos or else It will be under legal action, I took down the pics and still mad at them, then I decided to ban the foreign artist for future events and coverages (i' m glad that they will never come back here, i hope.. ahhhaha)
If you notice that a single post can take you into a deep trouble and sometimes we aren't aware that someone is already drafting a legal notice and letter for us to do some actions or maybe prepare for a big battle. I'm also talking about this TWITPIC post few days ago, when a tweeterer took a photo of a transit worker sleeping while on the job and then posted the photo via twitpic, after it reaches online, many people posted some funny, good and bad comments, and some took some actions as they are concerned for the person and inform everyone that they violate the transit worker's personal rights. ah hmmm.
you can read the full details here
the twitpic photo sparked a big media controversy and also started a fare hike from the tax payers after seeing the sleeping guy and say that's where their money are going to.And also the guy who posted it online is now into trouble, I don't know what will happen next.
and now for the grand finale that becomes a central topic in all medias last year was the issue of this blogger vs. DSWD, the blogger alias Jade Ceres Dolor posted some photos she got from the warehouse and also blogged it online on what she believes that the DSWD are rotting all those donations inside the warehouse and the reason was there was no volunteer available to pack all the donations for the typhoon victims.
I didn't expected that the DSWD Sec.Cabral will react so heavily and after resolving the problems, (because as you can see, the main problem is that the donations are untouched and needed to deliver to the needy) filed a libel charage against the blogger, and it was funny that people tags the NBI for filing the charges, but it was DSWD who took the action, but then, after reading the news here at, how can they press charges to a person that they never met and uses a pseudonym. hmmm I think the blogger will get away from this.
and also let's not forget Facebook, a single status post can get you intro trouble like that Bermejo person who posted racial slur to all Filipinos, but the real deal is that she is also a Filipino. Let's be careful in our post and it seems that the new media and social media is rapidly changing its stream.