I saw the new TVC of Globe Tattoo Broadband on TV and then re-watched it again in Youtube, I replayed it many times to make sure my eyesight and hearing is correct, they can now use the Globe Tattoo Broadband stick for outgoing calls, we know that the internet stick will connect you to the internet anywhere, and then send sms messages, but the new feature they have to this new model is the softphone program, with a use of your laptop or computer, the internet stick and a headset with microphone, you can now use your laptop or pc as a mobile phone, you can now call any mobile phone or landline using the new Globe Tattoo Broadband internet stick. This will be very helpful for those who got their phone broken or lost, you can use the internet stick in case of emergency or if your hands can't let go the keyboard and mouse. (more below)
Sometimes I' m having problems in doing some multi tasking jobs, and want my hands glued to my keyboard and never got a chance to view and read those sms message or accept calls from my mobile phone, with this new features, multi tasking will be in the next level.
They also have new designs that shows some patriotism and love to your country, this new set of sticks, priced at just P 895 per prepaid kit and loaded with 5 hours of surf time, that speeds up to 2.0 mbps.
Globe’s Chief Marketing Officer Menchi Orlina says, “ We want this great new calling feature to mark an auspicious start to the new year and also to be our gift to Tattoo Broadband users. Not only does it reinvent the habit of using your broadband USB, it fills a very valid need. While it’s true that everybody has a mobile phone these days, what happens when that phone isn’t available? After all, life isn’t perfect: Phones discharge, prepaid load runs out, and handsets can be misplaced at the worst possible times. In tough situations, we’re here to give you more options and more ways to stay in touch.”
To hook up today, call (02) 730 1000 or surf over to www.globe.com.ph/tattoo.