I just finally got the main idea for that book signing and raffle for the Neil Gaiman event at 3rd Philippine Graphic and Fiction Awards and thanks to Fully Booked for the news.
For the book signing on March 17th
- you need to register at the event
- entrance is free
- they will raffle 100 slots for that night, so make sure you register in order to be included in the raffle
- you can bring two books only for Neil Gaiman to sign it.
- event will start at 4PM
For the book signing on March 18th
-it will be the biggest signing than the March 17th event
- you need to purchase P2,000 worth of Neil Gaiman books from Feb.27-March 4 in order to get a book signing pass for the March 18th event only
- if you buy the books, you will automatically get the passes
- Just proceed to the North Court, Power Plant Mall to register and then line up
- then have all your books signed by Neil Gaiman
- all books has no autograph by Neil when you buy it at Fullybooked, so make sure you grab the P2k purchase and acquire the signing passes with no hassle.
They have an art contest too and deadline will be on or before March 10, 2010
more news at http://www.fullybookedonline.com/revelations/