Zeong production note 1

Another code name for another project that the main reason I am busy today, been writing and attending meetings and my brain started to run normal and even that the sleepless night comes and priorities are coming from left to right, it means that I should not stop working and blog right now. Some people are laughing behind my back and said that I might be stuck at home taking care of my kid, and I laugh at them back and they didn't know that I'm much more busier in many things, not just in blogs or events.

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I'm cooking up something and this is just one of the many projects I'm handling for 2010. I was riding a cab going to SM MOA and then we got stuck in traffic in Makati and the cab stopped in the middle of the rail road, we looked from left to right and see if there's any train coming, and then the incident might remind me that I should look,listen and stop .. study, observe and make a right decision.

Zeong is the code name of the project, the word comes from that mobile suit armor of Char Aznable from the Gundam anime series.