There will be a Kurosawa film festival this september in CCP and UP Film Center and this is in commemoration for the 100th birth anniversary of the legendary Japanese film director and screen writer Akira Kurosawa. All award winning films including Hidden Fortress, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, Seven Samurais and etc will be shown in 35mm format. The Kurosawa Film Festival which is also in cooperation with the Embassy of Japan and starts on September 14 (7:00pm) at the CCP Little Theater featuring the “Throne of Blood”.
Regular screening will be at CCP Dream Theater on Sept 15 to 19 (10amp7pm)
and at UP Film Institute on Sept 22-30 (1pm-7pm). for schedules visit
this film fest is organized by Japan Foundation,Manila Office and partnership with Cultural Center of the Philippines and UP Film Institute, and in cooperation with Embassy of Japan and
Its fun that they will show these films again, I just saw the Hidden Fortress movie in SM Megamall years ago in a Japanese film festival, it was a great film and I recommend that you watch it too, also I'm recommending Yojimbo and its sequel Sanjuro, and also the epic Seven Samurai. (see full sched below)
Seven Samurai
Hidden Fortress