Old and new compilation of photos from NASA are collected and uploaded for public viewing in Flickr.com under The Commons Flickr account and this serve as an online portal of rare space exploration photos to help students and teachers to learn more about NASA’s program from the past up to the present.
Users can now view all kinds of photos from 3 categories they provided and everyone can now add tag keywords to the photos, interact and also post their comments to other users, the project is also in partnership with The Internet Archive, a non profit digital library in based in San Francisco. The three category sets are “The Launch and Take off”, “Building NASA”. And Center Namesakes” that features the founders and heads of NASA’s 10 field centers.
You can view the archive photos for free at http://www.flickr.com/photos/nasacommons
This is great for Flickr, now comes as an educational research hub and also acts as our favorite photo hosting for our blogs. I do hope that Flickr can also help us archive our own photo collection especially the historical ones, like the era of revolution, world war and even People Power Edsa. Im also sure that many photographers and users are willing to contribute their photos.