I just felt a pain in both of my heels and I'm experiencing this already for years and I didn't know that it is a serious case and I should act and do something. I google "my heel is in pain" and I got directed to this term "Plantar Fasciitis", the plantar fascia band under my heel is already swollen and thin, the support it gave to protect the heel is now weak and it will become worse till my foot and heel be dislocated. I almost crawl in the road due to massive pain in my heels after eating dinner and covering an event in Cubao, and I took a cab going to my bus terminal and I massage my heel by rubbing it with my other heel.
I researched and found out that too much sports and obesity is one of the causes of Plantar Fasciitis, I'm no runner, but I use my foot in a lot of walking action and also running when I chase the bus or taxi on the road hehhe. This is an alarming case and I discussed this to my wife and told her that I need a diet and also more stretching before walking in the first of the morning after waking up, because I experience a lot of pain in the morning after waking up and the first step on the floor is so painful, but the pain will go away after some hours and the pain will be gone, but it will come back if I use my foot in walking again. I'm afraid to have a abnormal foot, because I observed that my left foot no longer go flat on the ground if I'm barefooted and I just discovered that when I wore a Vibram Five Fingers foot gear.
The first thing I should do is
1. diet
2. loose weight
3. light exercise
4. stretching
5. wear other shoes
6. get a foot massage (I'm going to nail-a-holics, their foot massage is awesome!)
7. wear a foot band for support
8. see a doctor
here are some links about Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis: A Common Cause of Heel Pain
here's from Wikipedia