The most exciting part of our tour is to visit the strawberry farm in La Trinidad and do some strawberry picking for our pasalubong. I’ve been to this farm for the 2nd time but it will be my first time to do strawberry harvesting. Vincent, our Baguio blogger and tour guide told us that the month of March is the harvesting season for strawberries. We are in the right season because the strawberry are ready to go anytime.
Vincent told us to register at the entrance gate and pay the strawberry farm owner, we paid a fee good for a 1 kilo of strawberry, looks so easy but filling up a basket is so hard!
But the strawberry picking is fun and you’ll learn here on how to harvest it properly.
Vincent warned us not to eat the fruits right away, because we need to wash it with water and clean it to flush away the dirt of the garden.

On our way to La Trinidad
Vincent showed to us this banner ahhaahhah
we laughed when we read the MERRYLANDS sign
If you are going to La Trinidad, just look for this sign and it will remind you about my blog
Azrael’s Merryland Blog.

Flowers are also blooming here in La Trinidad
one of the capital farms of strawberry, veggies and flowers

All strawberry pickers need to sign up first before entering the farm

Strawberries are every where!! weeee!

Spotted a kid doing her own harvesting

Lettuce farm

some farmers prohibit photo op and picking of the other side of the farm
these are for import quality products.
ok lets leave it alone

And here’s our site
grabe ang lawak pala

hello strawberies!
come to daddy!!

Manila bloggers x Cebu bloggers x Baguio blogger are now doing their strawberry picking activity

Whats up Mr. Enzo

Geezelle is so happy with her own harvest

Here’s my basket..
its so hard to fill this up with 1 kilos of strawberries

Anton in photo op mode

Here’s an awesome sight and experience
A fog engulfed the entire mountain and it flows like a tidal wave here at the farm
Our visibility went blurry when the fog arrives. It was cold too.

I’m done and its time for my check out

1 kilo of strawberry goodies!