I thought that my wife will have no interest to visit the Toy Expo after she failed to join with me for the VIP night because of a tummy ache, but then I’m surprised that she planned all along that we will be going to the Toy Expo Philippines 2012 of Toy Kingdom with our son baby Ash. I’m happy and excited that we will attend the day 2 of the toy expo and Ash is clueless that we will visit a toy land, I hope he remembers this when he grows up, that’s why I took a lot of photos in order for him to remind the great places we visit during his youngling years. We also have a mission that Ash meets all his favorite cartoon characters, we crossed out Dora the Explorer and others, but the most big prize to have a meet and greet photo op is with SpongeBob Squarepants. I’m glad that we met the guy who lives in a pineapple under the sea with no hassle, with pure fun and free.
When we entered the toy expo, Ash is sleeping and he got tired after our lunch and grocery activity in other mall, he didn’t know that we will in a toy land. So when he wakes up, he’s surprised to see all toys infront of him, Lalaloopsy booth greeted him first and he’s familiar with the character because he have that cartoon DVD that looks like Lalaloopsy. Here’s the first booth we visited – Nick Jr.
There are some games for kids and adults available in Nick Jr. booth, and here’s my wife trying the Guess the Mess game, they insert their hands through that hole and touch those objects, if you guess the mess right, then you’ll take home a Ben 10 pocket watch.
I didn’t tried the game, it looks messy, I can even hear the answer and some of them are yucky slimy ahhahahaha. Here’s Auntie H trying the game, and yup, all of them won a prize.
We dared Ate M to try the game too hahhahaha.
Photo op time: okay Ash is busy watching Nick cartoons on TV
There’s also a giant game board, just throw the dice and walk on the board, look under your feet if you won a prize.
I tried the game too hahahaha.. the dice is so heavy
And then I won a Ben 10 pocket watch hahahahah..
Giant Sponge Bob!!!
Toy Expo banner….
Freedom wall at the Hello Kitty booth
Lace tries to play with a Baby Alive doll
Ash here tries feeding the Baby Alive toy ahhahaa, a sale lady teaches him on how to feed the baby doll, after some successful trials, I think Ash wants to try the liquified meal too hahahaha.
Awesome smile on his face! as he saw the giant display at Tomica booth, we stayed there for a long minute and watches the train circle around the diorama. Ash loves cars, trucks and trains. I wish we can have a set up here at home, but my wife said that the set up will block the entire living room hahhaha.
Other side of the diorama
Ash got excited when he saw the Thomas and Friends poster, and he didn’t know that there are toys on display and toys to play with behind the poster. We visited the booth after some stroll.
We heard that Mr. Potato Head is on stage having a meet and greet, we ran to the stage and Ash is the last person to have a photo op ahhaahhaha.
Family photo op with Mr. Potato Head
Transformers robot walking around the hall. Here’s Auntie H tries to hug Sentinel Prime hahhah
We saw a coloring activity booth at the Thomas and Friend booth, we sat down and waited for Ash to finish his coloring activity.
Free play of Thomas and Friends train set, Ash operates the train and also the rail road track.
While the baby is busy playing, now me the dad is here at the I-zone booth busy trying the PSP Vita for the very first time in my entire life…omg!!! the PSP Vita is so sexy and beautiful, I will declare this as my 3rd wife hahahah (my iPhone is my 2nd wife) . Here I play the Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 game.
I’m a newbie for this game, but I know all strategy in every fighting game, I just can’t believed that I reached the final boss – Galactus. I love this character from the Marvel Universe, but I’m starting to hate him because its hard to defeat the giant cosmic being. Ok I’ll retire for now.
At the Lego booth, free play of LEGO blocks. Ash knows how to play with these because we regularly visit Toy Kingdom SM Megamall and they have a LEGO play area there before.
Our best day ever continued when we sat in the front of the stage and watch Spongebob dance and sing for us again, this time, we got the chance to meet Spongebob! yay!!!
It’s the happy day for us and we love toys, and we love visiting a fun land together as family, I ‘m excited for the next Toy Expo Philippines 2013, I know it will be much more better and more guest surprises for next year, we will be prepared and I’m sure that expo will be a blast again.
Thank you Toy Kingdom!
guys!!! visit the Toy Expo today, its their day 3 and tomorrow it will be their last day. Entrance is FREE.
No need to buy anything, just be there and have fun!
I heard that some of my toy collector friends will be there for a toy meet up..ohhh wow.