There’s a new series over at National Geographic Channel, titled : Doomsday Preppers, the new series will air here in the Philippines this September 17,2012 at 9pm and new episodes will be aired every Monday nights. We saw a preview of the series from the NatGeo launching event in F1 Hotel and the show’s reason for producing this kind of series is to show how different kinds of people predict on how the world will end or live in a life when doomsday strikes. Everyone will do their best to survive and adapt to the remaining surroundings that was left after the big D-day.
In some episodes that was shown to us, we learn that each people featured and interviewed have their own concept, prediction and with lots of What If’s ? like the Earth will experience solar flares and all communication will be dead for years, or the world in a society collapse, world hunger, natural disaster, super volcano explosion and many more. I’m not sure if they included some alien attacks or zombie holocaust, but the show will educate us on how to be prepared and insert that idea that we can survive by going back to the basics and learn back that the old people or the early humans used some techniques in order to survive.
I remember that a female friend shared to me that she already started for her doomsday survival training, there are 30 kinds of doomsday survival training that a people should learn in order to survive just incase we encounter similar situations from the tv series Doomsday Preppers.
The doomsday survival training includes
1. Learn how to fly a plane
2. Learn to swim
3. Rock climbing
4. Learn to trouble shoot wires
5. Operate a car and trouble shoot it
6. Create your own food using organic
7. Carpentry
8. Shoot and operate a gun
9. Operate heavy machineries
10. Light up a fire using stones and wood
11. Learn to use sign language and Morse code.
and many more, it’s the basic things up to the hard core things that if you know all of this, then you have a great chance to survive if ever the D-day occurs. In one of the show, I learned that some people stock a lot of water and food under their basements, there are some people also plant and harvest their own food. I remember my wife Lace is having her own project that we should plant and grow our own food,because there will be times that food might ran out and everything will be expensive. Then I learned that if world hunger strikes, many people here in the city will die. But then after I saw a tv documentary about a family who lives in the mountain,we saw that all of their kids are so healthy and they eat in a regular basis,they eat food that comes from their garden and from the mountains. I think the best way to do in order to survive in a D-day is to live in the mountains.
From the show Doomsday Preppers, the concept of each person is a typical American life and mind, load lots of guns and bullets, stock pile food and water, protect your barn and all of that, but I’m surprised that one family trained themselves in hand to hand combat and then uses the Filipino language to communicate, it’s the most hardest language to understand if you are a non-Filipino,and with Americans, it’s the only language that never been taught in school. hahahaha. very clever.
For my review about the show
Its not a scary documentary about how the world will end, we avoid watching some documentary with animation explanations on how the world will end or how people will suffer and fight for survival, its one of the disturbing topics in a documentary series in showing those kind of scary what ifs series, but I'm glad that this new show Doomsday Preppers is like a DIY and bahala ka sa buhay mo thing, if you want to understand and learn from the idea on how an American will survive when the D-day hit us. The show is not scary, but fun to watch it, there are also explanation from experts to show you the odds on how disaster can happen in a reality and also a follow up video conclusion of each featured doomsday preppers on how are they today after the Natgeo interview. I suggest that you watch this show to learn about survival and If ever another flood and typhoon hit us, you will be prepared and ready to fight back to survive.
Here are some still from the show Doomsday Preppers.
People living under the ground
A bunker that will be useful in the future
converted your backyard pool into a greenhouse garden
Fishing in your backyard.
National Geographic Channel looks into the lives of ordinary people preparing for the world’s end in the all new series Doomsday Preppers, premiering on September 17, Monday at 9 p.m.
here are photos from the event launch