Mighty Mouse shirt
I remember watching this cartoon during my youngling years. It’s already a hard to find item with Mighty Mouse face.
I agree, he is the tough guy, always beating Bruno the bully
Some kind of Mickey Mouse urban toy art design
here’s a Batman version
yeah as always with a funny face…I just hope they included Hobbes
Another Mickey Mouse designed as Mario
Space Ghose
I just don’t get the punch line
super love this shirt!!! Ghostbuster fans will go gaga with this shirt
looks nice and simple,but cute for a Scooby Doo fan
Crayon Shin Shan
hahahaha…the voice of Andrew E echoes here… (he dubbed the cartoon into tagalog language for local airing)
Rise of the Gangnam style shirt
There are so many designs, but the face of PSY here looks like MC Hammer
Pig face Gangnam style
yeah its one of the original logos
Simple but the message is there!!
Its hard to recognize this…but its Gangnam style
yeah, for the bad boys
he always run and wears that red shoes
There are also some new designs from CulTure, check it out when you are in SM Dept Store.
What shirts are your favorite here?