Christimas time!ahhh I love it when the holiday season and gift giving comes around once a year, its a time of shopping and also giving a reward to yourself for having a great job through out the year and also give out something unique to your special someone. Here I discovered the new online shopping for techies,gadget fans and novelty items, brings the awesome and latest geeky items to our country with just a click of a button, these items are not available here in our country and its a hard to find item that have special features and use, the uniqueness of each item is very useful and functional that's why I love owning them and add it to my special collection.
I lurk around on some shopping site that offers the same items, for example, I always check out Think Geek's website and other similar sites and also local online stores just to check the new trend of gadgets and utilities. The problem that we have here is that there's no local store that can help us get the item outside the country, I'm glad that is here to help us ship the item in just 10-15 days with the right price and not with an expensive shipping fee or custom tax.
I first acquired the 3 kinds of lens for my iPhone and I'm very satisfied on the result of the handling and shipping and also the item itself. I'll post a separate feature and review soon here in my blog.
Visit for more goodies, gadgets and weird stuff that are useful for our lives
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You can watch a video here explaining how Galleon works
Premium solar charger
With this solar charger, it can charge my gadgets continuously whenever I'm under the sun
Bat signal
One of the dream to own a bat signal at home, I can light it up every night before going to bed
I heard of iRig before and some musicians are already using it, iRig is a useful add on gadget to your iPhone and its app can transform your iPhone into a guitar effect gadget and also speaker.
4 in 1 camera lens kit for iPhone
I'm such a len's addict for mobile photography, since my lens doesn't come with a zoom lens + stand, I'll purchase this next year to add more zoom power to my iPhone.
Koollertron mini projector for iPhone
This mini projector will help me with my presentation during in a meeting, it will be a pogi plus points to my clients and colleagues when they see this powerful gadget.
Its a rare event to see a rainbow inside your room, with the help of this gadget, you can activate the rainbow anytime and anywhere. My son will love this!
I have problems in carrying a mini tripod in my pocket and bag, with the help of this Tiltpod, I can store the tiltpod platform in my pocket or use it as a keychain for my mini camera of iPhone
Butterfly in a jar
I saw this at Think Geek before, and it amazes me.. I really want to own this robotic pet butterfly. It moves and flies like a real butterfly
Green Zero Smoke Blaster
Oh my..the toy of the month for me... I really want this. I don't like those toy guns that shoots pellets or plastic or foamy bullets, because it can hurt people or damage a kid's eye. With this smoke blaster, it can shoot non toxic smoke coming it out from the gun. The smoke comes from the water converted to a steam.
Saw this one before, this shirt can play real guitar tunes heheheh
perfect for your Christmas party and also for rock events
60x magnifying scope for iPhone with LED light
P 1.4k
I still want more magnification to my iPhone ahahahah. this gadget can transform a small world into a bigger world.
Vivitar Viv-cv-1225v Digicam Binoculars - Black
P 3.3k
I've seen this before and I'm really tempted to own one, here at they offer it very affordable. I can use this binoculars with digicam for bird watching activities, events and also shooting heavenly bodies.