here's an interesting event free for everyone! esp. for photography enthusiasts, I just spotted this in my Facebook event page, and I think its great to share this info and event details for everyone. I'm super interested to drop by, I'm just familiar with the name "Henri-Cartier Bresson", and I'm interested to know more about him and also other photographers.
rsvp here at
venue is at kanto artist run space inside the collective
A 5-Day Screening on the Life and Work of Modern Photography Masters
August 21 Wednesday Starts at 3PM
The Genius of Photography From Man Ray to Capa
August 22 Thursday Starts at 3pm
Alfred_Stieglitz - The Eloquent Eye
Imagine - The Colourful Mr Eggleston
Martin Parr - The World According to Martin Parr
August 23 Friday Starts at 3pm
Sally Mann - What Remains
Lee Miller - A crazy way of seeing
Araki - Arakimentary
August 24 Saturday Starts at 4pm
Henri-Cartier Bresson - Decisive Moment
Henri Cartier Bresson - Impassioned Eye
Robert Capa - In love and War
August 25 Sunday Starts at 4pm
Eugene Smith- Photography Made Difficult