We were walking here in the village going to the bakery when I spotted this fruit vendor in a side car bicycle, I saw that he sell lots of avocado and rambutan fruits. I got attracted and bought 1/2 a kilo of the two fruits.
I’m not good in picking the best fruits, but I remember that I need it for my body. That’s why I bought and will try these fruits if they are good. The vendor told me that the avocados are already ripe and ready to eat it.
Fruit vendor weighs my loot of the day
At first I thought it is lychees hahahaha. Then I realized that Lychees are not rambutans.
I enjoyed eating this at home after dinner, best served after being chilled inside the ref for hours.
I just learned that the avocado fruits are not that good…pffttt..I won’t buy avocados again from that fruit vendor.