I met Chari and Van of Grab Taxi team, I just saw them standing beside this Grab Taxi module and they are inviting people to try the Grab Taxi app from their iPad tablet OR book a taxi for free if ever they use Globe network, but they also invite others who are not using other mobile networks.
I spotted them at the valet and taxi bay area of SM Aura last December 13, 2013 at 9pm, and I told them that they are like superheroes because they help people get taxi via the Grab Taxi app. You know that getting a taxi in the middle of rush hour is so chaotic. Some taxi drivers avoid the malls at night just not to escape the traffic hassle and also driving a passenger in far location.
Van shared to me that they got 100 taxi bookings from (my estimate) 4pm-9pm that day, It was a good result and I just wished that they were there a day before when I was in SM Aura, because I was there a day before December 13, 2013 and I lined up at the taxi bay for one hour just to get a taxi ride going to Venice Mckinley Hill. yeah..crazy night!!!
He said that they already installed this to selected malls around Manila and if you spotted them, I suggest you try the mobile booking of taxi via Grab Taxi for you to get a taxi booking or you may try their Grab Taxi module in selected malls.
btw, this is not a sponsored post from Grab Taxi, I just blogged them here because I’m amazed with their new service offline.
I watched them in action and saw many people got convinced already to try the app, there are lots of taxis near SM Aura and I saw that in just 15-20 minutes, the taxi arrives in front of the passenger. I haven’t tried the app yet because I always get a chance to ride a taxi whenever I go out, but for riding a taxi in a mall have some inconvenience lining up for 30 minutes up to 1 hour. That line in SM Aura is the most craziest taxi bay area ever!
After booking, The taxi driver will inform the passenger if he is on the way to your location, the taxi body number and plate number will be displayed to your Grab Taxi app. You can call them on the phone if ever you want to learn if they are nearby.
While waiting for our car to arrive, I just saw 5 passengers became so happy because they got a taxi ride to home without any hassle.
The passengers who are lining up at the taxi bay are puzzled when they saw that people went out of the line and head towards to this Grab Taxi module.
Here’s the Grab Taxi module, its just a rectangular box with Grab Taxi dressed up design, there’s an iPad tablet with lock and a power battery hidden under the module box.
They can carry this anytime if ever their shift is finish. I just learned that SM Aura doesn’t want a fixed booth standing outside their mall, that’s why Grab Taxi created this small module in order to fit for the mall’s requirements.
I’m excited to see their modules soon in SM Megamall and Glorietta.
I just hope they prioritize a module for Greenbelt 3, the taxi and passengers there are disorganize, even the mall’s guard can’t do anything about it. The guard just mention to me that Greenbelt 3 with driveway to parking lot is not a taxi bay area…. WTF!!!
Here’s a group of passengers inquiring about Grab Taxi’s service.
They got a ride in less than 30 minutes.
I will try this new service if ever I’ll be in SM Aura again.
Website: http://grabtaxi.com/manila-philippines/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grabtaxi.ph
Download the app now!: https://itunes.apple.com/ph/app/grabtaxi-book-a-taxi/id647268330 / https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.grabtaxi.passenger